Stay With Me Pt. 2 | Prinxiety

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summary: roman and virgil have gotten closer recently, maybe something will happen??

word count: 693

tw// crying, fear of a new relationship, lil bit of cursing :))


"So, you and Virgil, huh?" Patton teased. Roman blushed furiously and looked down at his waffles. "I don't know what you're talking about..." He mumbled. Logan sat next to Patton and looked at Roman skeptically. "You both usually spend most waking hours of the day with each other." Roman smirked, "You mean figuratively?" Logan kept a straight face, "No, I mean literally. You woke up yesterday, took a taxi cab to Virgil's apartment, then you got back late at night and fell asleep on the couch. You're still wearing the same clothes." Roman looked down and found that Logan was, in fact, right as always.

"So what's going on between you two? I know you, Roman. You don't give up your beauty sleep or your productive time for just anyone." Patton stated with a wide grin. Roman smiled softly, thinking about Virgil. "Well, the more time I spend with Virgil, the more Blaine feels like a bad dream. Virgil is amazing and it's mind-boggling how much I've grown to care about him. But I don't know if I'm ready for another relationship after him. It's not that I'm scared Virgil will do anything, I trust him. I just feel terrible about everything Blaine put me through, what if I expect too much from our relationship? What if it's amazing at first but I get bored? What if Virgil doesn't even like me like that? What if-"

Patton placed his hands on Roman's, "Just do what you feel comfortable with. I think you should just try talking to Virgil about it. If he does return your feelings, try taking it slow at first. If he doesn't, he still cares about you enough to stick by your side. He won't abandon you, I promise."


"What's on your mind, Princey?" Roman glanced up at the boy he'd fallen head over heels for, "Have you ever liked someone but you're scared you'll mess something up with them after a bad experience in that field? It's just- I really like this guy. He has been there for me when I was down, he is funny, he's really amazing but after Blaine I feel bad about everything." Virgil gulped as Roman looked down at his palms. 'There goes my chances.' As much as Virgil wanted this 'other guy' out of the picture, he knew he needed to be there for his best friend.

"Just take it slow, talk about it. If he doesn't accept you, he's an idiot and an asshole. And I will beat him up for you, if need be." Roman laughed lightly, "Patton said the same thing, except for that last part. Thank you, Virgil, for everything. I don't know where I'd be without you. I guess I'll go tell him now then." He got up to leave the apartment as Virgil followed behind, locking the door as it closed.

"Dammit, Virgil, how could you be so stupid? You waited too long and now he's off to get someone else." He whispered to himself, silently holding back tears for a few minutes. As he leaned against the door, a knock made itself known. He sighed and opened the door, not really caring for much at the moment. His eyes widened as he saw Roman standing there with a single black rose, clearly out of breath and red cheeks. "Sorry for the wait, I had to run down five flights of stairs because the elevator wasn't working right now. Anyways, if you would have me, I want to give us a try, Virgil. I want to take you out to dinner next Friday. I also want to know if it's okay with you that we don't rush into anything here. I really want to be with you, Virgil, but I don't want to spoil anything. The decision's yours, no rush."

Virgil smiled widely and pulled the blushing, now even worse, mess of a boy into a tight hug. "You made me lose hope for a second there, Princey. I would be delighted to join you and of course I'm okay with taking it slow. I like to get to know people before we do anything anyways."


hope you enjoyed this! see ya in the next one!


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