A Dream Come True | Moceit/Logicality

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summary: janus is in love with patton but patton is with logan. janus uses his powers out of jealousy.

word count: 820

this is inspired by @//toss.me.the.sweet.tea on insta (although she posted this all the way back in june; also i finally found her insta again :D), so yeah hope you enjoy :)

tw// mind control, crying, implications of sexual assault, and technical non-con (not nsfw, just kissing but still, consent matters, kiddos!)


Janus glared down at his book, trying to ignore Patton and Logan.

"I love you more, Logie Bear." "Patton, that is virtually impossible as I love you more." Roman burst into the room and dramatically squealed. "Padre, Nerd, you both are positively adorable! Please tell me you're staying for our Valentines celebration." "Ro, they probably have their own date." Virgil said, slumping against the stair railing. Patton shook his head. "Nope! We'd be glad to join in!" "Who will even show up? Just us four?" Logan asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Duh, who else?" Roman scoffed. Patton frowned. "Guys, there's not only four of us. I'm sure Remus and Janus want to go, right?" All the attention turned to Janus, who looked up from his book. Patton smiled hopefully at him, Janus just wanted to bury himself into the couch right then, or completely leave. He opted for the latter and ran up the stairs to his room, slamming the door.

Patton deflated and got up. "Patton, where are you going?" Logan asked. "I'm just gonna check on him, okay?" Logan nodded, Patton left and arrived at Janus's door. He knocked the beat to 'Shave and a Haircut' gently and the door slowly opened. Janus has once told Patton if, for any reason, he needed to get into his locked room, to knock that beat into it.

Patton entered the room and closed the door behind him. Janus was laying face down on his bed, gripping the pillow tighter around his face. Patton could tell by the way his shoulders shook that he was sobbing. He sat down on the bed, right beside Janus, and rubbed soothing circles into his back. "Janus, it's okay. I'm here, you're okay."

Janus slowly sat up but kept his gaze lowered. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Patton asked softly. Janus sniffled. "Fine, but please don't say anything until I'm done, okay?" Patton nodded.

Janus took a deep breath, this was finally happening. "Patton, I love you. Like really love you, the way Logan might love you. I've loved you for years now and every time I had an opportunity, I screwed it up. I chickened out every time and now you're with Logan. I know I shouldn't be that upset, I did this to myself and all I really care about is that you're happy. But it just hurts, you know? It hurts so bad and I don't know what to do anymore." Janus paused. "Okay, I'm done."

Patton tried to think of how to carefully say what he wanted to say. "Janus, I'm so sorry your hurting this much. If I had known-" Patton sighed and continued. "I wish there was some way I could make you feel better. To make this better. But I love Logan-" Janus panicked at what Patton might say next, he was heartbroken. He couldn't handle it. He waved his hand quickly and Patton flinched, his eyes squeezing shut.

Janus slapped a hand over his mouth and stared at Patton, horrified at what he'd done. More tears threatened to spill from his eyes. "No, no, no, no, no. Patton, I'm so sorry, I was just scared. I didn't mean to." Patton blinked and opened his eyes, they were a dull yellow color, almost in a swirl. Janus sobbed once more into his hands.

Patton held Janus's face in his hands, forcing Janus to look up at him. "Jan, why are you crying?" "Patton, I need to turn you back. I'm sorry-" Janus was cut off by Patton kissing him. Janus squeezed his eyes shut but returned the kiss nonetheless.

He knew this was wrong, Patton didn't actually want this, Logan would be heartbroken by this, he should stop. But, at the same time, Janus couldn't really care less. What had he done to deserve all the crap life had thrown at him? Why couldn't he be happy just for one minute? Memories of the last time he'd done this flashed through his head. He'd tried to get over Patton with Roman, he'd done this on purpose then. When Roman had snapped out of it, he was upset. He had a right to be, that was essentially assault. And here Janus was, doing the same exact thing to the boy he claimed to love.

Janus pulled away and let a few more tears fall. "I love you so much, Janus." Janus let out a breathless gasp at that, trying to hold in his sobs. "I love you, Patton. That's all I've ever wanted to hear you say." Janus curled into the wall his bed was against and waved his hand once more.

Patton looked around confusedly then looked back to Janus. He sighed and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Well, if you need anything, we'll all be downstairs tonight. I'll leave you alone now, buddy." Patton left downstairs and Janus squeezed his legs closer to his chest.


ahaha okay so you know how i write my stories in advance? like weeks in advance?? well, i have been deleting all of them bc i hate them. like this one wasn't even supposed to be posted until like november or december :( but once thomas gives us that sweet sweet asides content i'll have more motivation in no time :)) love you all, hope y'all enjoyed, stay safe, buh bye!!


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