First Impressions | Platonic DRLAMP

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summary: logan reminisces through the first impressions he had of his friends when they first met on the night before they all move away for college.

word count: 581

idk, this is kind of a remake of my "graduation day" one shot (only i don't imagine it with a bomb freaking 70s filter sfihikdjd anywho, this one's kinda sad for me bc i wrote it after thinking about my friends a lot so sfhdksjf

tw/cw// sadness, annoyed logan, unintentional misgendering, kinda blunt remus at some point, that should be it :))


'This is it.' Logan thought to himself sadly, despite the wide grin on his face. Before leaving for their respective colleges, his friends all mutually decided to have one last hangout together while each of them was still in town.

He glanced at Roman and Remus, the twins that used to annoy the heck out of the nerd before eventually growing on him.


"Hey." A loud boy named Roman said with a mischevious grin. "Hey." Roman's twin brother Remus repeated, mirroring the same expression. "Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan." They went back and forth, repeating Logan's name. Logan didn't know the two boys, only briefly hearing of them from freshman orientation at school.

The nerd slammed his book down and glared at the two. "What?" He snapped. Remus hummed innocently. "I just wanted to ask if my butt is...infinitesimal." The twins laughed before running back to their seats, leaving Logan to fume angrily. 'You make one mistake in front of the class and this is what happens.'

Although this was only his first time meeting the two, he already knew his impression of them was forever tainted.


Logan forced a laugh. Someone said something funny but he wasn't sure who. Probably Patton. He looked at Patton and Virgil, thinking back to who the two nonbinary kids were when they first met Logan.


After being shoved violently, Logan looked at the source, only to realize someone just accidentally bumped into him. The person in question was laughing through an apology, while the other person, dressed in emo attire, just laughed through their sweater sleeves. "S-Sorry, kiddo. I need to be mo-more careful next time."

Once the two calmed down, Logan sighed. "It's okay. Just don't do it again." The emo student snorted. "Don't worry about Patton, he doesn't have a mean bone in his body." Logan noticed the slight change in expression Patton had when the emo spoke, almost discomfort. But it went away as soon as it appeared, "Neither does Virgil, he acts mean but he's not actually."

The emo also showed slight discomfort but they both went back into their light-hearted conversation soon enough, cueing Logan to go back to his work. 


Logan smiled at each of them before looking at his boyfriend, Janus.


"Hey, is this seat taken?" A small boy asked Logan and his friends. They all shook their heads while Remus let his curiosity get the best of him. "What happened to that side of your face?" Roman quickly shut his brother up, silently scolding him while everyone else sat there awkwardly.

The nerd sighed and looked up at the boy sympathetically. "I'm sorry. He tends to have no filter. If you want, you can always join us on a better day, when Remus isn't being an insufferable airhead." The boy chuckled to himself. "Maybe some other time, thanks. I'm Janus, as in the Roman god."

"I'm Logan, as in a loganberry."  Janus laughed at the nerd's awkwardness before leaving the group, taking the chair to his own table of friends.


This was officially his last night with the amazing people he met during freshman year. The people who made him feel special, made him feel worthy, gave him purpose, gave him love.

"Guys, we should take a picture like the one we took freshman year!" Roman gasped excitedly. Once everyone agreed, he set up his camera timer and got into position.

'This is it, and there's nowhere else I'd rather be.' Logan thought as the camera flashed.


like i said, remake of my "graduation day" one shot, i'm just very scared for graduation and my friends are the greatest but idk how it's gonna be after graduation (bc the bond we have now will definitely not be the same as the one we will have years down the line) anywho, enough of me being sad :D hope you all enjoyed! love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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