Wrong Signal | Demus/Roceit

411 13 3

summary: roman asked his brother's boyfriend, janus, to help him with a late night study session for his psychology class. but it can never be simple, right?

word count: 772

if any of you are celebrating today, hope you have a good day and stay safe :))

tw// kinda non-consensual kiss ig, some cursing, mentions of car crash, almost panic attacks but not quite, angst :)


"Well if the brainwaves look like that, the patient is in a stage of sleep?" Roman answered with a questioning tone, Janus pursed his lips. "Maybe we need a different technique." Roman groaned in frustration, "I'm never gonna get this and my test is in two days. I apologize for wasting your time, Jan, it's clear I'm not passing this test. I guess Logan was right." Janus looked down at the Psychology textbook then back up to the frustrated boy to his right.

"Roman, you aren't wasting my time. I'd much rather be here than late night caffeine raids with Remus and Virgil." This earned a chuckle from Roman. "Besides, I know for a fact that this is much easier for you than you're letting yourself believe. Logan gave up on tutoring you because he's not used to helping other people. He was just frustrated and he didn't mean it." Janus rested his hand on Roman's shoulder. "I believe in you, Roman. You're capable of doing amazing things, why not add this to your list?" Roman smiled back then let his eyes trail down to Janus' lips

'Don't do this, Roman. He's your brother's boyfriend! You've held back this long, you don't need to do this.' Roman ignored his inner protests as he leaned in closer to the boy. Their lips met and Janus froze, not quite sure what he should do.


"Hey Roman? I'm really sorry about everything I've ever done to you. I know this is really out of the blue but Jan was talking with me tonight and I realized how terrible I've been to you. It's just that I've always been jealous of how you always get the dates, you get friends, our parents love you, but that never happens to me. At least until Virgil and Janus; point is, I'm sorry. I hope you don't hate me too much." Remus shyly smiled before heading to his bedroom.


Roman quickly pulled back with a hand over his mouth. Janus rested his hands in his lap and stared at the table in shock, "Janus, I-" Janus shook his head. "You're just tired, Roman. Let's just forget this ever happened, please." Tears blurred Roman's vision, how could he have been so stupid? Janus was dating his brother, his brother who had opened up to him a couple of weeks ago, his brother who was always jealous of his ability to get anything he wanted, his brother who loved him, his brother who was in the next room over with his best friend.

Roman needed to calm himself down, more tears streamed down his face. "Roman? It's okay, really." Roman shook his head and quickly stood up, leaving the apartment. He wasn't sure where he was heading but at the pace he was walking, he'd be there in no time. He'd forgotten his jacket so he wrapped his arms around himself, facing the ground in front of him. Sobs still emitted from him but no one payed much attention to him.

Once Roman had left the apartment, Janus quickly called after him. "Shit." He mumbled to himself as he grabbed his jacket. "Hey, Janus, what's going on?" Virgil questioned with Remus beside him. "Roman, he just left. He might get hurt, he's not thinking straight." Virgil and Remus quickly followed after him as they searched for the boy.

Janus spotted Roman across the street storming down the sidewalk. "Guys, we have to cross the street." Virgil and Remus nodded and looked around the empty street before running across with Janus in tow. "Roman!" They continually called after him, he didn't seem to hear them. Virgil noticed the light turn green on the street Roman was about to cross. He began sprinting as fast as he could, shouting louder than ever. Janus and Remus quickly caught on and followed the boy's actions.

For the most part, Roman had slightly calmed down. Tears still ran down his cheeks but his sobs had subsided into silent whimpers and hiccups. He heard someone screaming his name in the distance, he turned to see Remus, Janus, and Virgil crying for him to do something. 'What?' He turned to see a large truck before everything went black.

The three boys ran even faster, dropping to their knees once they were next to their roommate. Virgil quickly pulled his phone out and called the ambulance. The driver hadn't even stopped once he hit Roman, just kept driving. No one was around, the emptiness of the roads mixed with Remus' pained cries made the situation much more real for Janus, who was trying to wake up from this nightmare.


i'm so sorry for angst :( i hope y'all enjoyed it tho, i love you, stay safe, buh bye!


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