Be Mine | Intruanalogical

236 6 12

summary: logan is the most unpopular kid in school, but he's also the smartest. virgil and remus, two of the school's most popular, take an interest in the nerd.

word count: 939

okay, so this originally had amazing scenes where remus and virgil were baddies, they had a conflict with their friends, they were serving looks, and then i deleted all of them bc it didn't fit in with the story sjfhkdjk (also, that ship name tho 0-0)

tw/cw// cussing, sad remus and virgil, valentines day fluff :))


Logan frowned down at his watch and tiredly rubbed his eyes. Usually, his math homework would take him about 20 minutes, but today it took up his entire free period. He shook his head and began packing up his things since the bell signaling the end of the school day was about to ring. "Ow, shit. Uh, sorry, I didn't know there was a trash can there." "Dude, are you drunk?" "Can I help you two?" "Right, hi. I'm looking for this nerd; his last name is Sanders, he has thick black glasses. I think this is his last period." Logan furrowed his eyebrows and peeked around the bookshelf, seeing Virgil and Remus talking to the librarian's assistant, Janus. Virgil and Remus were two of the most popular kids in school; it was impossible not to know them. Almost as impossible as it was that they knew who Logan was.

Janus snorted, "Does this nerd have a first name and ID number?" Virgil stuttered nervously, both him and Remus trying to think of Logan's information. Janus rolled his eyes. "I'm messing with you. He's over there." He pointed in the direction of Logan's usual table. Virgil, now embarrassed, thanked Janus and made his way over to Logan's table, dragging Remus behind him.

Logan went back to putting his things away, trying not to seem like he watched that entire interaction like a weirdo. "Hey, you're Sanders, right? You're like a nerd or whatever?" Remus blurted out; Virgil elbowed Remus in the arm and gave him a look. Logan sighed, "I wouldn't say nerd, but yes, I'm Logan Sanders." 

Virgil winced. "I know you probably need to get home, but we need a favor." Logan gave his full attention to the two and gestured for them to sit down, which they accepted gratefully. "I usually stay here until 5 p.m. anyway, so I can help you." Virgil sighed in relief and placed the homework that Logan just finished down on the table. "I'm such a dumbass. I don't get any of it. Remus is more of a dumbass than I am, so you can imagine our dilemma."

Logan chuckled as Remus nodded in agreement. "Well, I assure you, you aren't dumbasses. The work has been getting increasingly difficult. I'll admit I was having trouble with it myself. Here, I'll show you how to do the first four problems, I'll guide you through the next four, and then you'll do the last four on your own. Deal?" Virgil and Remus nodded. "Deal."


Remus glanced up from his lunch tray and smiled when he saw Logan. The boy was standing at the entrance, awkwardly waiting for him and Virgil to follow him to the library. "Well, we gotta go. See you guys later." Remus stood up with his backpack, Virgil following him. Their friends gave a half-hearted goodbye and went back into their gossip. Logan smiled adorably, "Come on." Remus and Virgil followed and shared a look. Virgil nodded and bit his lip anxiously.

They'd been getting tutoring from the nerd every day during lunch for about two months now, both accidentally falling for him. After talking it out, they mutually decided to tell Logan and accept whatever he wants. 

The three sat down at their usual table, and Logan began taking some papers out of his binder, already jumping into explaining whatever math problems he had planned. "Um, actually, Logan?" Logan paused and looked at Virgil. "We had- have something to tell you." Remus awkwardly sighed. "We both like you, a lot. As in kissy-kissy, "I love you". Which, if you think about it, kissing someone could be very platonic so we could just like you as a friend-" "What he's saying is we like you, romantically. But you don't have to like us back. You can think it over, choose one of us, both of us, or just pretend this never happened and we can all go on our merry ways." Virgil chuckled nervously.

Logan looked down; his bangs covered his face. "You both like me romantically?" Remus and Virgil nodded. Logan thought it over for a few more minutes, then looked back up. "Would it be okay with you if I thought about this for a while?" The two nodded and left the library, letting out heavy sighs in an attempt to relieve the tension they both felt.


Virgil and Remus sat in math class, dreading the rest of the day. This was their first class period, their only class with Logan, and it was Valentine's Day. They'd confessed to Logan a few days ago and were still waiting for his response, although they were quickly losing hope. "Valentine's grams!" Virgil groaned and rested his head in his arms. "Tell me when it's over." Remus snorted at his dramatic behavior, he wasn't feeling much better than Virgil, but he was better at hiding it. 

"Virgil Black?" Virgil instantly perked up in confusion. The student council member smiled and handed him the teddy bear with a candy bag and a note attached. He read the note to himself, 'Thank you for the options...' "What the hell does that mean?" Remus mumbled, Virgil shrugged. "Remus Prince?" "Toss it to me!" The student rolled their eyes and handed him the teddy bear. Remus frowned. "That's no fun." He pulled out the note. '...but I'd love to date both of you if you'd like? ~ L'

Virgil and Remus looked at each other then up at Logan. Said nerd was watching them with a hopeful smile, to which the two himbos nodded ecstatically, now excited for the rest of the day.


i love how this oneshot went from 3000 words down to 900 skfhdkj. the power unnecessary details and scenes have on me is too great. anywho, i hope you all enjoyed, love y'all, stay safe, buh bye!


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