The Hero Is The Villain | Anxceit (Superhero AU)

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summary: virgil and janus are dating (and they're superheroes). one day, while janus is battling the "light sides" (a group that believes they're superheroes when they're actually bad guys), he gets a little surprise, a bad surprise

word count: 334

i absolutely love super/power au's, but i despise writing them bc they're so awkward skdhfksjdf also, this is super short, sorry

tw/cw// some violence, unsympathetic light sides, sad janus


"No matter what, I will always love you and protect you. I promise." Virgil smiled down at Janus as he cuddled into Virgil's side. "Are you sure?" Virgil nodded softly. "Always and forever."


Janus landed on his hands and knees harshly as he breathed heavily. "You...don't know what you're doing."

"I know I'm defeating you, and you're evil; good enough for me." Roman growled out, grabbing Janus's hair and forcing him to look up at the "hero".

Janus never expected to be here, especially not at the hands of Roman of all people, but that's the way it was. As someone with powers in a world of superheroes and villains, Janus made it his duty to protect others, no matter the sacrifice.

Janus discreetly pressed his finger into the button on his wrist, calling for his backup, Virgil and Remus, to come help. "Well, congratulations, you caught me. What now? Are you going to kill me?" Roman smiled evilly. "No, not me. You see, we caught someone sneaking around our headquarters last night. We took him in, saved him from your clutches, and showed him the light."

Janus furrowed his eyebrows before looking ahead as Roman moved away. Patton, Logan, and a third man approached them. The man lifted his head and smirked darkly at Janus, whose blood instantly ran cold. "V-Virgil?" Virgil walked up to Janus, adjusting his gloves as he did so. "You know, I used to think you were the good guy, but I was wrong. You will always be the villain, and nothing will ever change that."

Janus whimpered out Virgil's name once more, pathetically begging him to remember his promise from when they first began dating. Virgil ran a hand through Janus's hair as Roman let go. Janus stared into the eyes he once knew; the light brown color was now a deep purple. Virgil gripped the snake-like hero's hair tightly and yanked harshly.

"See ya later, Jan-Jan." Virgil whispered coldly before knocking Janus out with one hit.


this was so weird omg, i had this whole idea (as i always do), and it just did not work out bc superhero/power au's are so awkward to write without visuals like idk how people write books on this stuff, comic books are so much easier for that stuff skhfkdjk anywho, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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