The Bully's Crush | Slight Logince

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summary: roman likes to bully logan. but being the trans ally he is, he still wants to help the boy.

word count: 1706

this is based on the series by @//pheebzlangwell on tik tok bc i'm so in love with her fhfhdksl i'm pretty sure i've established this already but i'm terrible at coming up with clever insults and jokes (which is why i rarely ever write patton dhdgdks) so excuse the weird repetition when it comes to nicknames in here :)

tw/cw// cussing, slight bullying, transphobic/homophobic comments, and (not a tw or cw but) there's a lot of spanish in here, translations will be in the comments, and there's a joke in here that says men are the world's worst gender, i promise it's just a joke!! i love all of you beautiful boys out there (unless you support toxic masculinity, transphobia, homophobia, racism, or any kind of bullying >:( that's not very cash money of you) so yeah, i'm just rambling now, lmao, enjoy :))


Roman leaned against the lockers, next to his usual bullying target. "You know, if you didn't always have a stick up your ass, and clothes that make you look like a 50 year old cat lady, you wouldn't be a virgin." "Well, thanks for assuming I care what a half wit like you thinks of my sex life." Roman's friends 'oohed' at the comeback.

"You think you're so smart, don't you, lesbian?" "I'm not a lesbian." "Then why do you always shop in the men's section?" "That's none of your-" "Logan, come on, we have a meeting today." Roman furrowed his eyebrows at the younger student that came up to them, who he recognized as Patton. "Logan?" Patton looked between the bully and the nerd with wide eyes, "He hasn't- You haven't come out yet...have you?" The nerd slammed the locker door shut with a sigh. "No, especially not to run of the mill assholes like them. Let's just go, come on."

Roman watched with vague curiosity as Patton was dragged away to whatever meeting they had to attend. 'Logan, huh?' "Dude, that's so much better! She's an über dyke, that is so perfect." Roman's friend Jake said, the rest of the group laughed. "He. He uses he/him pronouns, don't be an asshole." Roman muttered lowly, still staring in the direction Logan and Patton had gone. "Why are you getting so defensive? She's just a loser-" "I'm not even getting defensive, you're just a dick! It's not that hard and it's basic human decency, either you shut up and be the bare minimum of decent or we're done." Roman snapped, now facing his "friends".

Jake rolled his eyes and walked away with the rest of the group. "He's just mad because she's his girlfriend." He said in a mocking tone, getting another laugh from the other brainless jocks. Roman, clearly annoyed, just huffed and walked in the opposite direction.

He silently wondered to himself why he was even defending Logan. Obviously, people's pronouns shouldn't really be taken too lightly but why was he so upset? Logan wasn't his friend, he'd been picking on him since they were in elementary school together, he's done so much worse to Logan than say the wrong pronouns. Why was this such a big deal? Why did he care so much?

He shook the thoughts out of his head and made his way to his next class.


Roman sighed as his mom ranted through the phone, seemingly speaking almost gibberish to anyone who wasn't used to fast Spanish. He hadn't told her that he was going to the mall and now he was definitely in deep shit, 'with extra peanuts' as Remus so lovingly put it. She finally stopped and Roman quickly apologized and said he'd be home in an hour, hanging up before she could say anything else.

"I didn't know you spoke Spanish." Roman turned around to see Logan standing there, holding horribly plain and very oversized shirts. "Well, that's 'cause you're too much of a dumbass to notice." Logan rolled his eyes and turned to face the rack of t-shirts, all hideous in Roman's eyes. "Of course a dork like you would pick the ugliest shirts, give me those." Logan looked at him in bewilderment. "Now, idiot." Logan reluctantly headed the shirts to Roman, who quickly threw them onto a random shelf.

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