You Don't Have To Try Too Hard, You Already Have My Heart | Prinxiety

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summary: roman wants to spoil his boyfriend with romantic gestures for valentines day

word count: 1251

this is just an excuse for me to be a hopeless romantic and make disney references :))

tw// none :))


"Virgil, my dearest! Have you eaten lunch yet?" Roman called through the mind palace. "No, why?" Virgil yelled back. "Could you please accompany me in the Imagination?" Virgil sighed and made his way to the famous Imagination. As he entered, the sky was bright and cloudy and the grass was bright green. He looked up and saw Princey standing at the top of the hill next to the tall oak tree. A picnic spread laid atop the hill. "Adventure's out there and I want to explore it with you." Roman said, smiling widely.

Virgil's POV

I smiled back and rolled my eyes lovingly, "Up? Really? You chose one of the saddest movies in Disney history where Ellie dies to show you love me?" I walked up the hill and faced him, "I thought the dark undertones and romantic storyline would fit you perfectly." Roman whispered as I grabbed his face lightly, "You thought right."

We ate lunch together and watched the clouds together, pointing out different shapes. "This was amazing, Ro. Best Valentine's Day ever." I kissed his cheek before he looked at me confusedly, "You think I spent all day begging you for your room and all night setting things up for this to be it? I don't think so." He stood up, bringing me with him as he walked farther into the Imagination.

As they walked farther, the scenery changed. The grass grew into a tall forest with dark trees. Flowers blooming in various areas as friendly creatures passed by. It was beautiful, especially as they stopped at a lake that shone with the bright sun. It was dark but so colorful and bright at the same time, it was perfect.

"If you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true. Good thing I dreamt about you and I many times." I blushed, "Sleeping Beauty, just as long you remember consent matters it's nice." Roman smiled as he grabbed my right hand and rested the other on my waist. We danced in the woods for what seemed like hours before Roman stopped and leaned in closer. "May I kiss you? After all, consent matters here." I smirked with an eye roll, "Shut up and kiss me, Princey."


"So to spend a life of endless bliss. Just find who you love through true love's kiss. But I knew you were my true love from the moment I laid eyes on you." Princey said before peppering kisses all over my face. I giggled and caught my breath as he finally stopped. "Enchanted, I like it. Classy and romantic, I'll give you that." He grabbed my hand as we walked through the Imagination that had turned into Central Park a while ago. People were bustling around while some were handing out roses and playing romantic music. 'Of course he would add this.' I thought.

Suddenly a group of dancers and singers, performers in general really, gathered in front of us. They sang and danced as one sang to me, handing me a black rose before winking at Roman. As the grand finale, they unraveled a banner that had my name on it in the princely side's handwriting. I gasped and turned to Roman as he beamed proudly at my reaction. I hugged him tightly before he whispered in my ear, "I have more surprises in your room. We should start heading there now." He pressed a kiss to my neck and let go from the hug, leading me out of the Imagination and into my own room.

It was pretty much always night here so that must be why he asked me for full control yesterday. He lead me to a dock that I didn't know existed and helped me onto a boat. He paddled farther into the ocean and smiled at me. I'm normally terrified of water, especially in this scenario. A small boat in the middle of a big ocean at night and nothing to protect me other than Roman? It's a disaster waiting to happen. But I felt calm staring into Roman's chocolate swirl eyes. I noticed a shimmer of light in his irises and looked around, noticing floating lanterns all around us.

"All at once everything is different, now that I see you. And I've seen you for quite some time now, my dark prince." Roman said. My eyes widened as I blushed harder than ever, "You have got to cool it with these lines, Romano." "You're my new dream. I can't help it." He laughed as I put my face in my hands at his second reference.

Once we finally got to our destination, there was one thing I first noticed, snow. It was snowing. Roman summoned a coat for me and slid it onto my arms. I ran into the snow and laughed as I made a snow angel and any other nonsense you can do with snow. Roman watched me fondly and eventually joined in.

We both walked side by side up a large hill. We stood under the moonlight and I began to realize what this was from. The hill was oddly shaped and there was only one place that matched this aesthetic. I looked to Roman as he smiled. "My dearest friend, if you don't mind, I'd like to join you by your side; Where we could gaze into the stars and sit together now and forever. For it is plain as anyone could see we're simply meant to be." He sung lowly. "Roman, I swear on everything in the entire Thomas-phere that if you don't stop being adorable and loving and sweet right now I will love you for eternity."


"As we come to an end of our day, your captain would like to send you a friendly reminder that you are the most special person in the world and you deserved everything I put in your way today." Roman said as we walked onto the cruise ship. It shouldn't actually be a cruise ship considering it would only be about five minutes to get back to where we came from but the thought counts. The ship soon started up and Roman seated us at a makeshift table with a view of the stars. He had spaghetti and meatballs with a basket of fruit in the center. It didn't make sense to me but I was sure he had a plan for it. After we ate, we sat in a calm silence staring at the stars.

"You're the best thing I never knew I needed. Which is why I did all of this for you, why I do anything for you. Virgil, I didn't just do this because it's Valentine's Day or because I really love you and Disney. It's because in all of these movies, they end up together. And that's how I want us to be." I looked at him and gasped as he got down on one knee.

"I know this is a little redundant considering we're not really people, just parts of a personality. Which honestly makes this whole thing weird but I love you, Virgil. You make my day better simply by waking up every morning, being yourself, you simply existing brings me a greater joy than anything else. So Virgil Anxiety Sanders, will you be the Carl to my Ellie? The Aurora to my Prince Phillip? The-" I rolled my eyes as more tears fell down before attacking his lips with my own.

"You had me at hello." I quoted quietly.


i honestly had a lot of fun with this bc when i get a girlfriend, or honestly any partner, i will spoil the crap out of them. romantic gestures, kisses and cuddles, presents, literally anything they want they'll have (within reason tho bc i'm still a lil broke) like you wanna cuddle all day with nothing but disney quotes? cool, done. you want a day with nothing but watching crap? i got you, biddi boo. i would treat them with all the respect and loving they deserve and then some. I JUST WANNA BE ROMANTIC OKAY?? IS THAT A CRIME?? anyways, i hope you enjoyed this part, buh bye!!


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