No Mercy | Prinxiety

892 19 3

summary: deceit takes over roman, hoping to take over the whole mind palace. virgil is the only one that can stop him

word count: 467

tw// mean roman, really mean deceit, that's it i think :))


"Roman, please. You can fight this!" Patton cried. Roman, or rather Deceit, just smirked darkly at the father figure, his left eye glowing bright yellow, his clothes and hair were covered in yellow and green.

"You are all weak and pathetic. You think we enjoy your company, Patton? We just pity you because of how stupid you are. And Logan, we can see through that mask you put on. You think you're being intelligent, but we know you're just a fake. You aren't as smart as you want others to believe." Patton and Logan knew, deep down, that this wasn't the real Roman, and everything he said was a lie. But that didn't stop the pain they felt. It didn't stop the tears from flowing down their faces. Virgil saw how much his words affected the two sides and anger flowed through his veins.

"Hey, cocky douche bag! Who gave you, in all that is holy and unholy, the right to be a jerk?!" He shouted, approaching him. Roman tsked, "Virgil please. You know it, we all know it. You always hope others care about you as much you them but we all know there is no one in the world that could ever love someone like you.

"But me, everyone loves me. They all adore me. And that's because I am better than you."

"You're not that great. Trust me, Doctor Do-Very-Little."

Roman returned normal for a moment as soon as Virgil said that but green glowed around his aura, returning him to his Deceit form. "You are worthless. Everything that happens is all your fault. You should've been helpful but all you've done is ruin Thomas' life."

Virgil smirked and got close to Roman's face, "Honey, your words can't affect me if I've heard it all before. You know, you're lashing out at me because you know you are the one that is, as you put it, worthless. Maybe you should stick with just being the romantic one instead of the creative one." Roman blushed and was about to say something but was immediately taken over by Deceit once again, who growled in response and backed away.

"You are incorrigible."

"And you are annoying, Deceit."

"Well, you can't do anything to stop me. I am staying forever."

"But you're wrong. There is one thing that can stop you. That can get Roman back."

"Oh? And what would that be?"

"This." Virgil grabbed Roman's face and kissed him. Deceit appeared on the floor, scowling at the two traits as Logan and Patton picked him and carried him away. Roman opened his eyes as Virgil pulled away. "Virgil? What happened?" He shook his head with a smile, "I'll tell you later, Princey. Just kiss me right now." Roman chuckled and leaned in to kiss Virgil once more.


i don't even know what this is. just enjoy, i guess.


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