Stay With Me | Prinxiety

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summary: roman wants to propose to his boyfriend but realizes he's a terrible person. virgil saves roman and they spend some time together

word count: 1246

tw// abusive relationship, manipulation, cheating accusations, crying, implying r*pe, stay safe plz :))


Roman pulled into the parking lot and sighed as he gripped the steering wheel. "Are you sure about this Roman? As much as you love Blaine, I have a really bad feeling about this. He's had a history of...not being the best person." Patton said carefully over the speaker. "Look, I'm not dumb or weak. I know who he used to be but I also know how to protect myself. And in all the time we've been together, he's been nothing but honest, loving, and amazing." Patton audibly sighed, "Just please be careful and please make sure you know what you're doing." Roman nodded and smiled, "Okay, I will. See you later, Patton." He hung up the phone and slid it into his pocket as he exited the car with a big grin on his face.

Roman's POV

'You can do this, Roman. You've been waiting for this day your entire life, it's now or never.' I took a deep breath and walked into the large theater. I told Blaine to meet me here, I figured it'd be romantic considering this is where we first met. I know Blaine was bad in the past but he's changed. He's not like that anymore. Even when I get scared that he hasn't changed, he proves himself. I walked onto the stage and relished the feeling of the lights, being the center of attention, it was really empowering.

"You told me to meet you here?" Blaine's voice boomed through the auditorium. I smiled, "Ye-Yeah, I had something I wanted to ask you." As my boyfriend joined me on the stage, he didn't look that happy but I was sure it was just because he was tired from work. "I actually had some things I had to ask you too." My smile wavered, "O-Oh, okay, you first then." "Are you cheating on me with that stupid friend of yours?" Blaine bluntly asked, I gave him a confused smile, "Who? Patton? N-No, I would ne-never cheat on you. And Patton is dating someone else, I wouldn't do that to either of them." Blaine scoffed, "Then why do insist on not giving me what I want?! I have been nothing but patient with you because you are such a prude! 'Let's take it slow, Blaine.' 'I want it to be special, Blaine.' I am done waiting on you!" He yelled.

"I thought you weren't like that anymore. I thought you'd changed." I said softly with tears in his eyes. Blaine chucked dryly, "I would've said anything for you to give yourself to me. I can't believe it's taken this long though. Considering how insecure you are, I figured you would be looking for any ounce of approval." Blaine attempted to cup my cheek but I flinched away as if it were fire.

"Listen, you have two options here, Roman. Face it, you'd be nothing without me. So you can either stay with me and give me what I want-" "And what if I don't want to give you what 'you want'?" I asked quietly as Blaine smirked disgustingly, "I'll take it either way, baby. And your second option is we're through and you go back to being nothing. Just another pathetic loser with two friends, no money, no talent." Blaine grabbed my hips tightly and pulled me close. "So what's it gonna be?" He whispered as I shoved him as hard as I could to no avail. "Stop, Blaine, you're not like this anymore! Please, let me go!"

"Hey, let go of him!" We both turned to see a smaller boy standing on stage with us. He looked to be about our age but he was skinnier and slightly shorter. "You don't even know him so butt out, twink." Blaine growled. "Yeah I do, we're childhood friends. And I know for a fact that he is not enjoying a second of this. So I could call the cops right now and get your ass arrested or you could leave and never even think about him ever again. Your choice." Blaine shoved me to floor in front of the new man. "Fine, he's not worth mine or anyone else's time anyways. Enjoy being a nobody, Roman, you deserve it." He stormed out of the theater as the man helped me to my feet.

"Thank you but I don't remember you, I'm sorry." The man shook his head, "It's fine. I've never actually met you but I figured if he thought I was someone personal to you, you'd be safer. I'm Virgil by the way." Virgil smiled softly. I sighed, "Well, Virgil, thank you for saving me from what was soon to be an abusive marriage. I was gonna propose today, I was such a fool to really think Blaine had changed." I pulled the velvet box from my jacket pocket with shaky hands. More tears formed as I stared at the box.

"Well, I have a lovely night planned with some Netflix and Panda Express tonight. If you're feeling up to it I'd like you to join me. I don't think you should be alone tonight. Especially with what just happened with that Blaine guy." I smiled, "Okay, I'll join you on one condition. You have to be prepared to deal with a whole train wreck of emotions as I'm filled to the brim with them at the moment." Virgil put a hand on my shoulder and smiled sympathetically, "I think I can deal with that. Come on, we have a date with feelings to attend together."


Virgil and I laughed lightly as a sit com played on the tv. I looked at Virgil, who was still watching the tv, and smiled. "Thank you, Virgil, really. I needed this." He smiled back, "I know you did. But can I ask what happened? I'm not pushing you to tell me anything but I know talking about stuff can make you feel better."

Virgil's POV

He sighed and nodded, "We first met during a local production of Heathers. After a while we started dating and it was great. But after a while he became really abusive, both physically and emotionally. One night, he was going to force me to do...that, just like you saw him try tonight. Luckily both of my friends broke into my apartment and stopped him before anything could happen. A few months afterwards, he convinced me to take him back, that he had changed for good. Now, almost a year later, I figured he'd been so good that I would marry him. I don't know why, I guess I never thought anyone else would want to put up with me for this long so I'd seize the opportunity while I still could. I never thought anyone would love me, that anyone would. Lotta good that did me." He looked down at his hands sadly, I chewed my lip nervously as I reached out to him.

I rested my hand on his and squeezed gently. "I'm really sorry you had to go through that, Roman. And, for the record, I don't think you should sell yourself so short like that. I've only known you for a few hours and I can already tell you are an amazing person. Blaine didn't deserve you and you didn't deserve all he put you through." He gave me a watery smile then he jumped onto me, wrapping his arms around me in a hug. I held him back as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.


hope you enjoyed, there's definitely a second part to this one ;)) hope you enjoyed!!


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