You're Pretty | Prinxiety

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summary: virgil and roman hate each other. however, it's evident that they do harbor feelings for each other. a small dare may lead to the beginning of a new relationship

word count: 904

your classic enemies to lovers except it's very fast :)) this is based on a trend but specifically @//textessmes on tiktok :) (my grammarly hasn't been working lately and the touchpad on my laptop keeps double clicking by itself, it's so upsetting ://)

tw/cw// hints of roman and virgil being mean to each other, that's it :))


Virgil Black was Roman Prince's worst enemy. The boy was rude, insulting, and ruined Roman's relationships for his own amusement. The most infuriating part was that he always had a smug smirk on his face that made Roman glare at him with flushed cheeks. 

Even now, Roman found himself saying all of this and more to his brothers, Patton and Remus, with a blush and a frustrated gaze. "Ro, could it be possible that you like each other?" His youngest, more emotional brother asked with a knowing chuckle. Roman sputtered. "Wha- I- No! It's not possible because I literally cannot stand being around him and he can't stand me. Is it a shame he has such beautiful features? Yes, because those features were wasted on someone like him instead of someone who's beautiful inside and out."

Remus, the middle child, smirked. "Maybe you should tell him you think he's pretty. See how he reacts." Patton gasped and nodded. "Yes! Come on, Ro! Just call him pretty and see how he reacts. No strings attached. And if you don't mean it, you don't mean it." The youngest shrugged with a smile. 

Roman huffed and pulled out his phone, never one to back down from a challenge. "Fine. But you two have to leave because I have homework to do and I don't want you teasing me for the two hours it'll take for him to respond."

The two reluctantly obeyed the order but not without teasing the oldest on their way out of the room. As soon as Roman shut the door, he made his way over to his desk, texting a small message to the emo boy. It wasn't anything big, it simply read, "you're pretty".

Roman sent it and set his phone face down on the desk, getting into his algebra homework. 


Virgil chased his older brother Janus around the house, desperately trying to retrieve his phone. "Logan, can you help me?" The youngest called helplessly. His oldest brother rolled his eyes, grabbing Virgil's phone as Janus passed by him. Logan handed the device to its owner, ignoring Janus's protests. 

Virgil thanked the man and ran back to his room, planning to go back down the rabbit hole of cryptids and conspiracies. However, he froze as he recognized a familiar contact name, one he often found himself staring at for hours on end as he tried to force himself to make a move. His eyes widened and his face reddened as he read the message directly under the contact. 

With shaky fingers, Virgil replied with a small reply he hoped was vague enough.


Roman's phone buzzed, just a few minutes after he put it down. He wondered if he should wait a bit, so he wouldn't seem too desperate. However, he was dying to know where this conversation would lead him. The jittery boy quickly opened the notification and stared at the small response.



Roman sighed at the simple response and repeated his message.


romano xx

i said you're pretty

Virgil gulped nervously. 




romano xx

because i think you're pretty


Virgil's breath hitched. No way this was real, Roman would never and could never return Virgil's feelings, especially with the way the emo boy treats him on a daily basis.



don't do this, ro. this is probably a joke or something, right?


Roman frowned down at the message and glanced at his bedroom door, reassuring himself that he could openly admit his feelings without ridicule.


romano xx

not really

i really do think you're pretty

for more reasons than one


Virgil's breathing became deeper, but it wasn't necessarily a bad feeling. Roman could be a lot of things but a liar wasn't one of them.



are you sure?

romano xx


i'd never lie to you


Virgil checked the time then quickly sent his next text.


hold on, i'm on my way.


Roman was surprised by the text but he was quickly overrun by the thrill of what might happen next. He knew he and Virgil had been flirting circles around each other for months now, almost a year. Most boys were only interested in him for popularity so they didn't mind briefly dating. While they got clout, he could bring them in front of Virgil and watch the different ways he'd take them down as jealousy took over.

The two continuously threw flirty compliments at each other but hid them under insulting tones. Now the boy he was in love with was coming over to his house, what was to happen next?

Roman was pulled from his thoughts as someone knocked on his window. His heartbeat increased once he noticed the stranger was Virgil, carrying a troubled look on his face. He quickly let the darkly-dressed boy in, both of them awkwardly avoiding eye contact. "I-I just had to know. Do you, um, like like me?"

Roman laughed gently. "You sound like a seven-year-old." Virgil rolled his eyes and left out a small chuckle. "But to answer your question, I unfortunately do." Picking up on the joking tone, the emo boy sighed exaggeratedly. "Too bad you're too much of a dummy to resist my charm." Roman tried to conceal the grin growing on his face. "Yeah, too bad."


small idea i got skghfksjdf i tried not to make it too long and complicated bc that usually causes me to hit a dead end and never end it ToT anywho, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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