Secret Agents | Platonic DRLAMP

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summary: patton felt as if his life was all fake. he just now finds out it really was.

word count: 997

okay so spy au?? spy au?? i have more ideas for this if y'all want but for now, take this weird prologue or whatever dsjhfdksjfl

tw/cw// physical fighting mentioned, grumpy/kinda mean roman, everyone's out of character lmao, that should be it :))


A week ago, Patton thought his life was boring and empty. He had friends, but their personalities seemed dull and forced, and he was even wary of his philosophy teacher because of the strange interest he took in him specifically. But now, he watched in confusion as his friends and teacher began fighting a group of what he assumed were bad guys.

From what he'd overheard so far, the bad guys were after him, and some even disguised themselves as students at the school to get to him easier. He watched his normally tired and negative friend Virgil easily take down five guys at once, an accomplished and energetic smirk on his face. Roman, who Patton knew to be constantly happy and energetic, rolled his eyes with a glare and a sigh. "Seriously, how are there so many of you?" He said, out of breath and annoyed.

Logan and Remus teamed up with Patton's philosophy teacher, Janus Blair, against twelve people. Once they were done, Logan huffed at Roman's comment. "This has been fourteen years in the making; did you really believe they wouldn't strengthen themselves for their final attempt?"

Roman frowned, barely acknowledging the fact that he was holding someone in a chokehold. "I don't know, but I definitely didn't expect this many." Virgil sighed and looked at Roman with an eyebrow raise. "Ro?" "Yeah?" Roman replied. "You can let go now." Roman looked down at the limp body in his arms and silently made an 'Oh.' sound before dropping his arms.

Patton stared at all five of them in shock. Virgil noticed first, kneeling beside the scared boy and offering a comforting smile. "Hey, Pat. Everything is okay; you're fine." Patton gulped nervously. "Who are you guys?" Roman rolled his eyes again. "We have to go through this all over again." He mumbled to himself.

Virgil shook his head. "Don't listen to him; he's always like that. Now listen, Patton, we are here to protect you. We always have been. We're about 19 years old, Janus is 29, and we've been trained to protect you at all costs since we were five years old. I'm still Virgil, and that's still Roman, Logan, and Remus. All we changed was our personalities, our clothing, and our last names. It may not have been the smartest thing to do, but we came up with it at six years old. What do you expect?" He asked with a chuckle. 

Things Patton had noticed over the years began to make more sense.


Roman sat down at the table with a groan and an eye roll. Patton frowned in concern. "Are you okay, Roman?" Virgil looked up and stomped on Roman's foot under the table. Roman yelped in pain, glared at Virgil, then sighed, a forced smile plastered on his face. "Yep, all good, Pat. Just a little tired."


Patton placed his math homework on Remus's desk, eyes begging him for help. "Remus, how do I find x? Please, I need to turn this in next period." Remus stared up at him in shock, stuttering out random math phrases that made no sense in the context of isolating a variable. Logan moved his eyes from his digital artwork to the worksheet, barely glancing at it before explaining the problem in a bored tone. 

"You need first to subtract the second term that doesn't have x, move it to the other side. Then, divide the 2x-squared by 2, same to the other side. Finally, you square root each side to cancel the square from x but leave it on that second side you've formed. That is your answer." Patton stared at his artsy friend in awe, "Logan, I thought you hated math." Remus sent Logan an undecipherable look. "Yeah, Logan. I thought you were bad at math." The artistic boy stared back at Remus, seemingly scared. "R-Right. Um, I don't know much; isolating is literally all I know." He chuckled nervously before focusing back on his digital drawing.

Remus turned back to Patton with a tight-lipped smile. "Yes, precisely what he said."


Patton shifted in his seat uncomfortably. His philosophy teacher wouldn't stop staring at him, and it was creeping him out. Suddenly, the teacher, Mr. Blair, called Virgil up, whispering to him outside of Patton's hearing range. He discreetly looked up at the two, noticing them pointing at him and glancing in his direction every so often. Virgil seemed a lot more confident than usual, which made Patton even more suspicious. 'Virgil's always nervous, without fail. Why is he so assured now? And what could they possibly be talking about? Does this have to do with Mr. Blair's staring problem?' He thought to himself. 'I will never understand them.'


Patton took in a deep breath. "O-Okay. So what are you guys?" Virgil smirked. "We're pretty much secret agents."

"God, you've wanted to say that for fourteen years," Roman mumbled spitefully. "I'm basically the leader." Virgil said before Roman mumbled once more, "No, you're not, you egotistical jerk."

"Guys, we should get going now before you aren't the leader of anything," Janus warned. Virgil nodded and began walking towards the exit, arguing with a grumpy Roman on the way. Logan typed something into his wristwatch. "If we leave within the next five minutes, we can still escape danger, but the farther we push it, the more narrow our chances of survival get."

Remus offered a bright smile and a hand. "Let's go. We have a lot more to explain." Patton nodded dumbly and took his friend's hand, standing up and following the others to the exit.

'So, Remus is more expressive and not as smart; Logan is more neutral and probably really smart. Janus is actually very neutral and not as bubbly as he is in class, I'm assuming. Virgil is a lot more confident and happy, and Roman is a lot more gloomy and negative, got it. I guess.'

Remus was right; they had a whole lot more explaining to do.


okayokayokay so not the greatest, but i just wanted to post something, especially since i couldn't yesterday sjdhfk but anywho, things are slowly getting better, i think the past few weeks were just a yikes, but they're getting better now :)) i've also been getting more into horror stuff so expect one of those soon hehehe anywho, hope y'all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!!


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