Main Character | Moxiety

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summary: virgil feels like the supporting character in everyone else's stories, even his own. why can't he be a main character?

word count: 828

i can't believe how many people liked heather like ?? i literally wrote that in like an hour and it wasn't even thought out but i'm glad y'all enjoyed it :)

tw// depressive thoughts, crying, some cursing :))


Virgil was tired of everything. He didn't feel like going to school, bickering with Roman, hugging Patton, and repeating it all over again the next day.

It helped to imagine his life as a TV show. The only problem was he imagined his friends as the main characters, himself being a side character, supporting character. He felt as if he had no dimension, no depth, he was there for comedic relief, maybe to balance out the eccentric personalities of everyone else. There was no personality, just an empty boy that longed to feel something.

He watched a raindrop race down his window and sighed. Maybe he'd feel something tomorrow.


The next day, Virgil's parents weren't able to drive him to school so he had to take his bike. On his way to school, he overheard drama involving both Logan and Roman, of course.

When he finally found his friends, he found out they had been fighting over some guy but Patton resolved it. 'Patton always knows what to do, he's the fan favorite. I'm just the supporting character that gets featured after the main drama has been dealt with.'

As he went through the day, it became increasingly obvious to Virgil that his teachers had no idea who he was. They often mistook Remus for Virgil because they both wore makeup. 'It's not like I've been taking your classes for four years.'

Once the school day finally ended, Virgil forgot he had to bike back home and he stood at the front of the school for 30 minutes like an idiot. It wasn't until the rain started pouring that he realized he was his own ride home.

He played his softer music, a dramatic shift from his usual emo playlist, and rode his bike back home. Pleaser by Wallows played through his head, then he began to cry. It wasn't the song, it wasn't because he was cold, it wasn't because he was stressed. He was crying because, for just a moment, he felt real. He felt like the main character, screw supporting character.

A sudden burst of confidence surged through Virgil, he changed his route and rode faster than before, still careful in the rain. He didn't need to watch his friends lives, he didn't need to imagine he was watching a show every day. He was his own person, he had a life, he had feelings and a personality.

Once he reached his destination, he knocked on the door rapidly, a grin on his face. "Virgil? What are doing? You're soaking wet, do you need to come in-" Virgil shook his head and took a deep breath. "Okay, just let me say what I need to say. You don't have to accept, don't feel bad or feel obligated to do anything, just let me get it off my chest then I'll leave." He paused for an affirmative nod and continued.

"Patton, when I first met you, I was miserable. Even though I was only eleven, I was still miserable. I pushed you away but you kept coming back, persistent as ever, and over the years I just let you do your own thing. I let you in, which is not an easy thing for me to do, and you haven't made me regret it one bit. I love you, Patt, as more than a friend.

"I know this is weird and you don't have to answer now, I just- fuck, I'm so happy right now. I just needed to do something for me for once. Everything I do is for everyone else but I need to be treating myself right too and this is something I've really wanted for so long and it's the first thing I thought of. So, there you go, I'll go home now and probably regret this while I fall asleep but I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

Virgil let out a sharp breath and made his way to his bike. The reality of the situation sunk in, he had just told his crush how he felt. He felt happy, confused, embarrassed, scared. It felt great to be confident, even if it was short lived. He mounted his bike and got ready to take off.

"Virgil, wait!" Virgil let his feet fall from the pedals to the ground. Patton ran from his house to where Virgil was, the rain immediately soaking him in droplets. Patton grinned. "Did you really mean it?" Virgil nodded, speechless and worried where this was going. "Good. I know you said I didn't have to say anything right now but I've waited too long for this. Can I be your boyfriend?" Virgil nodded again, grin widening along with Patton's.

Both boys' gazes trailed to the other's lips. "Can I kiss you?" Virgil asked softly, Patton nodded before capturing his lips with his boyfriend's. Virgil was finally a main character. This was the grand finale to season one, he couldn't have asked for a better ending and beginning.


i'm planning out a short film based on my high school friends but i'm altering the stuff a lil more to make it more coming of age so yeah :)) hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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