Super Terrible Situation

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summary: virgil works for a superhero group. while on a mission, though, someone isn't right

word count: 1128

tw// kidnapping, nightmare, a boomer essentially makes an appearance :), mentions of death, snakes, lil bit of anxiety, crying, idk if there's anything else :))


Virgil's POV

"Kids are so lazy these days. They think they can just get free money from hard working citizens because they don't want to work as hard as everyone else." A man scoffed as he passed me by. I quietly groaned, I'm not lazy and I didn't choose to be like this. I didn't choose to be poor, homeless, hungry, tired, scared, I didn't choose any of it. My parents took me out of school before I could graduate because they were on the run for some illegal stuff. There aren't exactly a lot of jobs a high school drop out with no experience can get. I couldn't get a job or go back to school even if I wanted to. I don't have my birth certificate, my social security card, nothing. My parents hid them away somewhere and now that they're dead, I'll never find them.

Suddenly the street was empty and the sky was dark and empty, no stars, no moon, the streetlights weren't even on. A dark yellow figure stood to my left, seemingly peering down at me. Its left eye began to glow. I could see a green figure and an orange figure standing behind it. As I tried to get a better look at them, another figure appeared to my right. This one shined light red. Behind it were dark blue and light blue figures. "Who are you guys?" I asked with a rough voice. Both the yellow and the red figures offered me boxes. The yellow offered me a black box that seemed to be covered in shadowy smoke. The red, however, offered me a purple box that shined brightly, offering comfort in the dark environment. "You have to choose one Virgil. Where do your loyalties lie? Choose wisely, lives will depend on it." All six figures spoke at once.

I gulped, when you make it sound that serious it's harder. "Virgil, just choose already. Virgil, come on. Virgil! Virgil, let's go! Virgil!"


I gasped and sat up quickly. My eyes were wide as my breathing began to slow down, sweat beading down my face, back, and...well anywhere you can imagine sweating from, it was there. "Woah, are you okay? Must've been some nightmare." I looked towards the voice and saw Roman staring at me with a face of concern. "Wh-Why are you in my room?" I asked, "Uh, you were talking really loudly in your sleep. I figured you might've been in trouble or in need of assistance. I saw you were having a nightmare so I tried waking you up, which is actually pretty hard since you're a deep sleeper. But then you just woke up-" I cut him off with a weak smile, "Roman, it's okay. Thank you, it was a really bad nightmare."

"Roman, Virgil! Hurry up and get dressed we've got a level 2 call!" Patton called. Roman's eyes widened and next thing I knew he was out of my room and into his suit.

There are certain perks to working with superheroes. I'm not homeless anymore, I get a free pass out of most situations, and I get to witness something no one else can, the lives of these guys. Even when they aren't battling dangerous threats, they are the most interesting people ever. On the other hand there are some downsides. They could die or get badly injured every day, I'm the only one with no powers so I always have to be in charge of everything else which is really bad for my 10 tons of anxiety, and I'm constantly lying to them. I glance down at my wrist and see the faded black emblem.

"Virgil, are you okay?" Thomas asked. I looked up at him and nodded quickly before getting dressed and making my way to the control room. Everyone left the building speeding to the location. "Wait, so how do we know it's a level 2 call?" I asked into the microphone headset. I was confused since I was the only one that handled the calls. The calls are on different levels, depending on the threat. If it's something as small as a guy stealing someone's purse, it's level 0. Level 1 could hurt a few people but can still be stopped. Level 2 could hurt the whole town. Level 3 could hurt the nation, if not, the world.

"An alert went off in my room. I have set alarms in case something should happen to any of us, even Virgil. So the moment a call goes off without someone there, alerts will sound in various areas of the building depending on which gets attention first-" "We get it, calculator watch." Roman groaned, cutting off Logan. "Kiddo, apologize to Logan right now."

As they continued to bicker I checked the cameras in the location of the call. "Uh, Logan? Was the threat invisible?" They stopped fighting as they heard my confusion through the ear pieces. "Uh, the calls never explain anything, Virgil, you know that." I shake my head as I check the cameras again, "Y-Yeah, I know that but I'm looking at it right now and there's nothing there." "Wait, why wouldn't there be anything there?" Thomas asked. "I-I don't know. Hold on, let me check-" "Oh that won't be necessary, Virgil." I froze at the voice. "Oh do tell my brother I said hi. I just love when he drops his heroic façade." I knew those voices all too well. I'm guessing the headset picked up on it too as I heard shouting from Roman to hide until they got back. "Remus, get the headset." I felt them being picked from my head and heard them get crushed with Remus' morning star. "It's nice to see you again, Virgil. It's been too long, let's catch up, shall we?" I felt a snake bite into my arm causing me to pass out.

Roman's POV

I ran faster as I heard Virgil's headset cut off. As soon as I finally reached the building I pulled back my mask and began searching in every room. "Roman-" I ignored Patton as I sped past him, looking in our rooms, calling out Virgil's name. "Ro-" I walked away from Thomas and continued my frantic search. "Roman, enough!" I shook my head as more tears flowed, "No, Logan. He-He's here. I told him to hide, he knew what to do, he's here somewhere." "No he's not, Roman." Logan said frustratingly calm. "What do you know?! You don't know anything, Logan!" I shouted, "And neither do you. But we found this in the control room." He handed me a note, I looked down at it with shaky hands.

'See ya soon, brother. xoxo Remus <3'

I crumbled it as my eyes began to glow red, "We're getting Virgil back."


a few things that I'm sure are confusing bc no one shares my mind:
1. virgil is hiding something from these guys (something related to the dark sides perhaps???)
2. roman, logan, patton, and thomas have their own powers. roman has super speed, patton can fly/super strong, logan has telekinesis, and thomas has telepathy. but they all have this power that's kinda like the powers the gems have in steven universe which is why roman's eyes glowed
3. virgil used to be homeless then later he started to work with the superheroes.

that's all I got for now, hope you enjoyed!


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