Second Chance | Prinxiety

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summary: virgil and roman's daughter wants at least one of her dads to take her to the father/daughter dance. virgil misses out on the first one, will he be there the second time?

word count: 1115

geez it's been 10,000 years since i've written prinxiety huh? there's been way too much logan lately so enjoy :)

tw// almost panic attack, anxiety, crying, don't worry it's still happy :))


"Daddy!" Roman and Virgil looked at each other before racing to their daughter's bedroom. Their daughter, Victoria, was eight years old and mainly took after Roman. Roman and Virgil knew their daughter was most likely not in danger, they just loved the attention she gave to the dad that arrived to her room first.

Virgil shoved Roman to the ground and entered his daughter's room with a smirk. "Face it, fart face, you'll never win." Victoria giggled as Roman stood up and rolled his eyes at Virgil. "Okay, what's going on, Princess?" Victoria smiled and rushed over to her backpack, handing Roman a green invitation. "We're having a father/daughter dance at school! Please, please, please come!" Roman scanned the information and frowned. "I'm sorry, sweetie, I have to work that day." Victoria pouted then brightened as she faced Virgil. "Can you go, Daddy?"

Virgil bit his lip nervously and shifted his weight from foot to foot. Roman took notice and grew concerned. "Virgil, can we talk in the hall?" Virgil nodded warily and followed his husband out of the room, closing the door behind them. "What-" Roman cut himself off when Virgil looked up at him, he was on the verge of a panic attack. "R-Ro, I-I can't. Dances are just- you r-remember. I- She-" Roman gently held his husband's hands, the circles he drew with his fingers slowly calmed him down. "Now tell me what's wrong."

Virgil took a deep breath and sighed. "Roman, I can't go to that dance. It's just a mix of all the memories from school and just anxiety in general that are keeping me from going. I don't want to hurt her, Ro, but I can't go." Roman frowned. "I really can't take off work that day." He mumbled sadly. "I guess I'll just tell her I forced you to work later." Virgil looked down guiltily. "Okay."

Virgil went back to the kitchen as Roman told their daughter why she had to go alone. Virgil wished he could go but it was impossible. Roman entered the kitchen a few minutes later. "How'd it go?" Roman smiled. "I think it went well." Virgil watched as Victoria flopped onto the couch and sobbed into the pillows. He turned back to Roman who smiled. "It's fine."


Virgil slowly drove home, making his trip longer than usual. Since the dance ended at 8, he had to make sure Victoria thought he really couldn't make it to the dance. She still ended up going with her friends, whose dads weren't complete cowards. Virgil internally groaned, maybe she had a great time without him. He pulled into his driveway and checked the time, 8:40, perfect timing. He unlocked the door and came inside, cringing at the sounds resonating through the house. Roman was begging his daughter to let him in, Virgil assumed she locked herself in her room.

"Vicky, please let me in." Roman tried one last time, Victoria responded with a loud "No!" He sighed and made his way to the front door where his husband was. "What's the damage?" Virgil asked. "Apparently there was a slow dance for the dads to dance with their daughters, Victoria said Deanna let her dance with her dad but it just made her feel embarrassed so she cried. Now she's upset with me because I didn't let you go and she won't come out."

Virgil ran a hand through his hair. "I should've been there." Roman stroked Virgil's arm and shrugged. "It's not your fault, she'll understand when she's older. For now, the best we can do is just give her some space and help her when she comes out." Virgil nodded, still feeling guilty.


Virgil furrowed his eyebrows as his daughter, now 12, seemed to be distracted all day long. He made sure he and Roman were far enough from her so she couldn't hear them. "What's wrong with Victoria?" Roman shifted slightly then replied, "They're having another father/daughter dance. It was the new principal's idea." Virgil groaned. "Let me guess, you have  to work again." Roman winced and nodded guiltily.

Virgil bit his lip, slowly getting lost in thought. He took a deep breath and walked over to Victoria on the couch. "You're having another father/daughter dance?" She nodded and gave a small smile. "Yeah, I don't know if I'll go, though." Virgil tried to calm his nerves before he went through with this. She deserves it. It's the least I can do. He told himself. "What if I went with you?" Her eyes widened and she gasped. "You don't have work that day?" He shook his head in response. She squealed and pulled her dad into a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!"

Virgil gave Roman a nervous smile from behind Victoria's back.


Roman paced back and forth at home with his brother, Patton, on the phone. "You know him, Patton, he doesn't usually agree to things like this. Do you remember freshman year, homecoming? He only stayed for two minutes before he ran back to his house. How's he going to handle this dance which is three hours long?" "If you were so worried about Virgil, why didn't you go too?" Roman sighed. "We get really busy at work this time of year, I can't just call in." Roman looked out the window for the tenth time since he got home. "Look, they should be getting back in a few minutes, I'll let you go." Patton said his goodbyes and hung up the phone, leaving Roman to sit alone with his thoughts.

Finally, the door opened and his daughter bounded in happily. "How'd it go?" She grinned widely. "It was awesome, Pop. We made crowns, I introduced Dad to my teachers and I got him to do one dance! I need some water, I'll be right back." She rushed off, leaving Roman and Virgil alone. "Virgil? Was it okay?" Virgil smiled and nodded. "Honestly, I was suffering almost the whole damn time. I guess she noticed how anxious I was so she kept trying to make me comfortable."

Virgil adjusted his purple foam crown then loosened his tie. He furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed Roman staring at him with a gentle smile. "What? Is it the crown? You can have it, it's more your thing anyway." Roman shook his head and pulled his husband into a kiss. "You endured a room crowded with strangers and loud music just so she could be happy for one night." Virgil smiled sheepishly. "Well, I couldn't stand how sad she was last time. She comes first, every time." "God, I love you." Roman pulled Virgil into another, deeper kiss.


this one actually happened to me, ooh boy the waterworks i had as a child :)) anyways hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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