We're Simply Meant To Be | Prinxiety

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summary: roman and virgil have been dating for a while now but they've only ever seen each other online. it's valentine's day and roman's upset that he can't spend it with virgil, maybe he won't be sad for very long.

word count: 1035

i really like the nightmare before christmas, 10/10 amazing movie, it's all so beautiful. also, ik there's been so much virgil lately but i've really been loving my boi lately :,) (also i'm so close to 10k and 100 parts like how dhfhdhdk)

tw/cw// sad roman, that's it :))


Roman loved his boyfriend with all of his heart. They'd met in a chat room that was dedicated to talking about various Disney movies. The two quickly got into an argument about the messages of the movies and were both kicked out because the other members got annoyed with them. Roman and the other boy got each other's contact information and continued their debate on practically every other platform, switching between each one for no reason other than the fact that it was easier for Roman to pull up the nearest app instead of actively searching for one. After a while they'd moved on to other topics and Roman learned the boy's name, Virgil.

They'd begun face-timing and calling each other in place of texting and Roman quickly fell for for the dashing boy. After Roman asked him out, they spent their first date virtually watching "The Nightmare Before Christmas" together. Since they lived so far away from each other, all of their dates were spent talking and virtually watching movies together. They'd alternate movies for each date but they both knew "The Nightmare Before Christmas" held a special place in both of their hearts.

Roman found himself aching at the thought of the movie he shared with his boyfriend. Recently, Virgil had gotten really busy with school and work and barely had enough time for Roman. Roman understood, of course, and wasn't upset at Virgil, he just wished it didn't have to be right around Valentine's Day. Really, what professor needed to push huge tests and projects around Valentine's Day? Roman found that he was really upset with Virgil's employers, his teachers, he was even upset with himself. He hated his past self for not cherishing the time he had with Virgil every day. Roman knew he was being dramatic but it still hurt.

So here he was, watching videos of his favorite painting creator on Tik Tok painting stuff to painfully remind him of Virgil and his passion for art. The creator in question, jacksmellington, always appeared on Roman's For You Page and somehow always knew just what Roman needed to see. It was too bad he never showed his face or talked in his videos but it was a fun game for Roman to imagine who he could be.

Roman realized he'd reached the end of his page and decided to refresh the page, since this creator in particular was supposed to be uploading that day. A new video appeared with a heart and "2K BF Special" as the title. With a sudden wave of curiosity, he clicked on it. The creator seemed to be painting a Nightmare Before Christmas themed picture on a piece of wood shaped as a heart.

'Hey guys!' A text bubble appeared to the right of the screen, as it always did. 'Thank you so much for 2k, this is insane! To thank you guys for all the support, I asked you guys what you wanted me to do.' The text changed to a new bubble. 'Unsurprisingly, you guys asked me to reveal whether or not I'm single. And I told you I wasn't, I have a boyfriend. So, like the saps you are, you wanted me to do something special for my boy.' Roman moved his focus from the text to the painting since it was almost halfway done by now.

'He's super hilarious and adorable so of course I had to do something. Since we both love 'The Nightmare Before Christmas', I made this heart decoration and I'm sending it to him with another little surprise. I'll let you guys know how it goes and thank you so much again for 2k." Roman didn't have time to fully process the video before someone was knocking on his front door.

He locked his phone and answered the door, he was shocked to see Virgil there. "Virgil?" Virgil giggled as Roman pulled him into a tight hug. "Oh my gosh, you're here! I can't believe-" Roman stopped himself and pulled back, looking at Virgil from an arm's length. "Wait, how are you here?" Virgil laughed nervously. "Well, don't be mad. I, uh, kinda lied to you a bit." Virgil paused, looking down at the floor. "I was technically busy with work and school but I basically did it to myself. I asked my boss if I could pick up a few extra hours so I could make enough extra money to come down here. Then I asked my professors if I could finish some work in advance and do extra credit so I'd be free this week. I did it all so I could come here and give you this." Virgil held out a white gift bag with red and gold stripes, Roman took it and carefully inspected it.

"It's not much but it's Valentine's Day and I know how sad you get on the holidays. I just wanted to make you happy. And make my followers happy but that's different." Virgil mumbled his last sentence, Roman still heard it and everything slowly began to click into place. "Just don't be too mad at me, I wanted to make you happy, I hate seeing you sad-" Roman, impatient as always, let curiosity take over as he ripped the tissue paper out of the bag and took a peek inside. He almost audibly gasped before he slowly pulled the wooden heart out of the bag.

"It's you." Roman whispered, still staring at the heart. "What?" Roman looked up at Virgil with a wide smile. "Your Tik Tok page, I watch your videos like all the time. You said you were giving this to your boyfriend with a special surprise. Is this my surprise, getting to spend Valentine's Day with my beautiful hermosito?" Roman asked knowingly with a playful grin, Virgil rolled his eyes and sighed jokingly. "Yes, unfortunately you're stuck with me because for some reason my heart and brain had a chemical reaction to you."

Roman giggled. "Would you say I'm your chemical romance?" Virgil rolled his eyes again but he couldn't hold back the smile on his face. Roman pulled him into a tight hug and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, mi amor. I love it."


i need more latino roman in my life, i always try to write in some spanish reference but i need more. i may be latinx but i don't feel as connected to the culture as i should be, i need someone who's an expert to write this stuff for me ;-; anyways, i hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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