I'm Not The Bad Guy | Demus

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summary: the villains think they're the heros and they make janus the villain instead. he meets a "hero" who might not be so bad.

word count: 565

i'm trying to finish she ra before i get spoilers :) (also this can be romantic or platonic, you decide)

tw// injuries, mentions of kidnapping and murder (nothing graphic :))


Janus sighed and applied the bandage to his last wound. For the past 6 years he had been endlessly trying to protect everyone against The Light Sides. Everyone thought them to be the heroes, he was sure even they thought they were heroes. They didn't know they were apart of a government experiment. The government would create heroes and see how well they did in combat. To test different scenarios, they would kill innocent people, kidnap people, sometimes even brainwash citizens into playing villains only for the 'heroes' to kill them before they even knew what had happened.

He knew of all this because his brother was kidnapped, killed at the hands of the Prince. He didn't care if the public saw him as the villain, all he cared about was getting revenge for his brother. He didn't care if he had to kill the Prince or destroy the whole organization itself, he would get payback.

He knew this was a bad fight, he'd never gotten injured this badly. He considered not doing anything tomorrow so he could heal. 'No, you have to protect people, even if they hate you.'

With that, he went to bed.


"Snake, what are you doing here? Didn't get enough yesterday?" Prince asked, Janus just rolled his eyes under his mask. "Here we go again." He mumbled to himself before charging to the "hero".

After their fight, Janus was in even worse shape than before. He could barely manage to stand up but he persevered and slowly made his way home. "Seriously?! Look, Remus, I know you're technically my brother but you are seriously messed up. You are disgusting and annoying, you're just another supervillain waiting to happen."

Janus recognized Prince's angry voice around the corner. He made his way over to see only one man there. He was against the wall, a black eye forming on the left side of his face, tears streaming down his cheeks. Janus cursed himself for getting involved with a Light Side but felt it was best to check on him. As soon as Prince left, he slowly approached the man.

"Um, are you okay?" The man, Remus, looked to him and wiped the tears away quickly. "I-I'm fine." He looked up at Janus and his eyes widened, 'Damn, busted.' "Y-You're Snake-" He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Of course, everyone thinks I'm a villain but has anyone stopped to consider my story? No, of course not."

Remus furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at his hands. "Well, I don't think you're necessarily bad, I just assumed you didn't like me and you would hurt me. You probably already know who I am." Janus shook his head, "I would never hurt someone for no reason. I fight The Light Sides because they try to stop me. They don't know what I know, they don't know what my goal is, so they try to shut it down. I can't have that so I fight them back."

Janus looked at the boy for a second before sighing, "Well, it's getting dark and I'm heavily injured so I guess see you later." Remus stopped him, "Wait! I, uh, they don't like me either. They would never allow me to go back to headquarters so I have nowhere to go. Please, I'll help you home and I'll bandage you up." Janus sighed but turned around and nodded.


heyo! i hope you all enjoyed this, if you've noticed i'm trying to keep a better schedule since i've had more motivation and time recently. so i hope this is good, i love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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