Graduation Day

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summary: this is it, virgil and his best friends were finally graduating as the class of 1978.

word count: 411

okay, barely important but still relevant: logan, roman, and remus are triplets. patton and janus are twins. thomas is virgil's brother but he's 10 so he's not included much :))

tw// mentions of friends possibly drifting apart ig, that's it ig :)


This was it. Virgil looked at himself up and down once more. He ruffled his hair a bit before grabbing the bag that neatly held his cap and gown. He was finally graduating high school, with his best friends, nonetheless. Freshman year, he never imagined anyone would ever glance in his direction; yet here he was, now in his parents' car on his way to graduation where he hoped to meet up with his five friends before they had to separate.

He exited the car as soon as it came to a stop, letting his mom kiss his cheek before running to the entrance. He spotted two of his friends talking and laughing by the back wall, he smiled and made his way over.

"Hey, kiddo! You excited?" Patton asked, turning to Virgil with a grin. Virgil shrugged. Janus smirked. "Oh, come on, Virge! Graduating will be so much fun! We'll be thrown from the comfort and protection of our parents' houses and be forced to be adults with responsibilities." He teased. Patton playfully glared at him before turning to back to Virgil. "Don't worry, he's only kidding. Becoming an adult isn't that scary. I promise."

Roman came running to the group with an annoyed Logan and a giggly Remus in tow. "Sorry we're late but perfection such as I cannot be rushed." Roman said charmingly. Logan rolled his eyes, moving away from his brothers to stand next to Patton and Janus. "I wish you two were my brothers." Roman and Remus gasped offendedly and began bickering with Logan. Patton and Janus joining in occasionally to support Logan or Roman and Remus.

Virgil smiled at the playful argument, he made it. He remembered Thomas, his 10 year old brother, slipping something into his bag. He reached in and noticed a Polaroid camera. Oh he'd definitely use all of the film in this thing throughout the day. His friends were each moving away for college, he was too. Patton and Janus were brothers so they'd still see other, same with Roman, Remus, and Logan. But this might be their last day together as a group.

Virgil knew he'd be able to use the camera about 10 times that day. "Hey guys, wanna take a pic before we have to go?" They stopped arguing and agreed with smiles. Patton looked around and spotted his friend, Remy. "Remy, can you take a picture for us, please?" Remy smiled and nodded. "Okay guys, 3...2...1..." Flash.


i finally saw hamilton today so i might make a part based on it :) i hope you enjoyed this, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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