Wedding Day | Royality

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summary: patton and roman are getting married. at first, logan isn't onboard with the idea because they're too young. he soon comes around but maybe he shouldn't have gone.

word count: 406

the title is throwing me off bc it sounds so happy but it's sad :))

tw// young marriage ig (they're like 18), texting while driving, car crash


"We're getting married after school on Friday!" Patton exclaimed happily. "We really didn't want to wait any longer, it would mean a lot if you all could come and support us." Roman said with a wide grin. "Are you sure you have thought this through? You're barely 18, this is a huge commitment." Logan stated unhappily. "If any of you don't support us, you're still invited and we would love to have you. But you don't have to come." Roman replied. Patton frowned. "I really hope you come though, Logan. I would love to have you as my best man." Logan bit his lip and looked down.


Logan ran a hand through his hair. His phone buzzed again, stressing him out even more. He scanned his surroundings, there weren't very many cars on this road, if any. He could spare a glance at his phone. Logan held his phone where his hands were on the steering wheel. Three texts from Patton, each of them making Logan more nervous.

He didn't completely like the idea of his best friends getting married in high school but he wanted to support them. Logan sighed and switched his vision between his phone and the road, typing a response to Patton's messages.

Logan heard a car honking and turned towards the sound. A large truck was barreling towards Logan's side of the car, before finally making impact with the car.


"Are we ready to go?" Emile asked Patton. Patton nervously messed with his suit. "Just a few more minutes, okay? Logan said he forgot his suit at home, he'll be here in a bit." Emile nodded and sat on the couch.

Roman paced back and forth in the hallway. "Okay, we should get going now." Virgil nodded and followed Roman to Patton's waiting room. "Woah, Roman! You're not supposed to see each other before the wedding, that's bad luck!" Emile shouted. Roman ignored him and smiled at Patton. "You look beautiful." Patton blushed. "You do too."

Remy rolled his eyes then cleared his throat. "Isn't there something else you came to say?" Roman nodded. "Right, Patt, we need to do it now or we'll lose our spot." Patton looked down at his phone and sent another text to Logan. "Can we please just wait a few more minutes for Logan?" Virgil sighed, "I don't think he's coming, Patt." Patton turned to Roman with pleading eyes. "It's now or never."


y'all remember that scene in glee?? pain is all i feel when i think about that episode :)) hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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