Understanding | Creativitwins

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summary: remus is under constant watch and concern from the adults in his life due to his intrusive thoughts, but at least there's someone who still believes in him

word count: 620

okay to clarify for any remrom shippers/anti-shippers, this is NOT remrom. they are JUST brothers. i didn't put platonic bc the "ship" name is already platonic, remrom is not platonic, creativitwins is :)

tw// mention of intrusive thoughts, mentions of blood/gore, mentions of weapons


Remus slumped in his chair angrily. No one understood what he was going though, they were all quick to assume something was wrong with him, treating him like a bomb that was ready to blow at the slightest wrong movement. The ten-year-old was sent to the counselor's office after a teacher caught a glimpse of his doodles during class. He wouldn't tell them what they wanted to hear, he wouldn't tell them that he was disturbed and wanted help (because it wasn't totally true), so they called his mom. Now, he was forced to overhear his mom talking with the counselor, assuming Remus couldn't hear their conversation.

"I don't know where he gets it from. As soon as we noticed how dark his drawings were, we put everything on lockdown. We have restrictions on all of our devices so he can't watch any of that, we hid any objects that could be used as weapons, but it hasn't worked so far. It's gotten to the point that we're terrified to leave him alone by himself or with another person, I don't know where we went wrong."

It wasn't his fault. These gory thoughts just came naturally to his head, it started when he was six. He'd seen something he shouldn't have seen as a child, the scene tainted every thought he had, every dream turned to a nightmare, every drawing ended up gory in some sort of way.

Despite what his art showed, he didn't want to hurt people and he didn't have a fascination with violence. Blood and gore grossed him out, it was his worst fear. But drawing it or writing about it helped him imagine it wasn't real, that it was nothing to be scared of. His mom never seemed to understood that, no matter how much he explained it. He couldn't blame her though, between the short temper he got from his dad and the troubling drawings and stories he'd created, he was scared of himself too.

Roman was suddenly approaching Remus, greeting his brother as he got closer, 'Did the bell ring already? Guess I didn't hear it.' Remus thought. Roman said something but Remus didn't really catch it, not that he wanted to talk all that much anyways.

Roman sat beside his brother and sighed. "What happened now?" "They think I'm a danger to society because I drew an eyeball in the margins of my notes." Remus mumbled, Roman raised an eyebrow at him. "Fine, maybe I drew a knife stabbing the eyeball but there wasn't even a lot of blood!"

Roman chuckled and grabbed his brother's hand. There was a beat of silence between the twins before Roman spoke up. "There's nothing wrong with you. I don't care what everyone else thinks of you, I know you better than all of them. I know you aren't a monster, and you aren't a danger to society." Remus didn't say anything, instead opting to squeeze his hand a little harder.

Their mom exited the office and glanced down at their connected hands before looking back up at Remus. "We're leaving, let's go." Roman didn't let go of his brother's hand, not until they had to get into their car. Once they got adjusted in their seats, Roman reconnected their hands and stared idly out of the window.

Remus looked into the rear view mirror and noticed his mother sending them worried glances every now and then. He bit his lip then leaned over to whisper in Roman's ear, "Are you sure you don't think I'm bad?" Roman faced him and smiled, "Positive." Remus let a small smile slip onto his face and, with a nod, he mimicked Roman's action of idly looking out the window.


i wasn't really sure what to do today, i really wanted to do a karrot kings fic (i put that in case there's anyone who hasn't seen the new episode :)) but i wasn't sure what to do and then i'd have to put a spoiler warning and then i'm not even sure that counts as part of a sanders sides one shot book since ya know. but anywho hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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