Fifties Fashion | Platonic Prinxiety

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summary: virgil is dragged along by logan to attend a work party at logan's work. virgil is left alone against the wall when a very interesting stranger comes up to him, leaving a very unique impression, to say the least.

word count: 656

i was going to make this long and sad but i didn't feel like it and i haven't really written platonic stuff in a while so here ya go :)) (this is meant to be platonic but if you want it to be romantic, that's up to you :))

tw/cw// mention of drinking (ig, it's very brief but idk :)) this ones very clean folks, i've done it, i didn't use virgil as the token "anxious character" or roman and the "angst-inducing character" everyone take notes :))


Virgil did not want to be here. His best friend Logan had insisted he tag along at a throwback dance Logan's work was throwing. Virgil initially declined because one, he didn't know anyone there and two, the idea of a throwback dance was about the laziest theme Virgil had ever heard of. A bunch of people wearing what they assume was fashion from past decades and listening to old music that didn't go together at all? It was messy and too simple. But, naturally, Logan ignored his objections and dragged him out of the house, in the dorkiest 50's outfit ever, to the party because he didn't want to be the standing alone by the wall while everyone else danced.

After they got there, it wasn't too bad. Virgil and Logan instantly jumped into a conversation about how historically inaccurate some people's clothes were, then moving on to the music choice. It seemed they were going backwards in time, starting with songs from the early 2000's and 90's before quickly moving through the next 40 years and ending up in the 50's faster than Virgil expected. Around this time, Logan's colleague Patton asked him to dance. So now, Virgil was standing alone in a room full of strangers. Fan-freaking-tasitc.

My Girl by the Temptations began playing. Virgil vaguely recognized the song but not enough to actually get into it. Suddenly, someone Virgil had never met before came up to him and enthusiastically sang the song to him, adding small dance moves into make it less awkward. Virgil stared at them with wide eyes and furrowed brows, silently telling them, "I don't know who the hell you are, please stop."

But they either didn't pick up on his signal or they didn't care, instead adding more twirls and intense facial expressions to their performance. Finally, the song reached an instrumental part and the stranger thankfully stopped. They held out their hand with a wide grin, panting a bit from their previous actions. "Roman Jiménez, he/him, sorry about the sudden performance. I get carried away sometimes, plus, the song is a bop." Roman giggled. Virgil hesitantly shook the stranger's hand. "Virgil Black, he/him."

"You're going for a 50's look, right?" Virgil nodded. "Well, I hate to break it to you, Virgil Black. But corduroy, while commonly used in the 50's, didn't really become popular until the 60's." Virgil scoffed, scanning Roman's costume up and down. He wore a skin tight black t-shirt, tucked into his black skinny jeans, with an oversized varsity letterman jacket over it. "Right, and what decade are you dressed as? The 80's? It's not very original or accurate." Roman smirked, "Actually, this was men's fashion in the 50's. Teenage men, sure, but still."

Virgil huffed. "You probably just wanted a reason to show off your own letterman jacket from high school so you could relive the "good old days"." Roman was unfazed by the comment, his smirk growing wider. "Maybe, maybe not." Virgil rolled his eyes at this. "Look, I'm not in the mood for this. I came here against my will, I don't even work here. So there's really no reason for you to be talking to me because you'll never see me again."

Roman hummed, "Okay then, how about this? I don't want to never see you again, you probably want to knock my cockiness down a peg on a day where you aren't stuck in a room full of strangers, so let's try this again. How about Wednesday, at the Firebird, noon? My treat." Virgil kept his harsh stare on Roman. "Can I bring my friend Logan?" Roman chuckled. "If it'll give you piece of mind. I'll bring my friend Patton if it'll make you feel better." Virgil nodded, shifting from foot to foot. "I'm not drinking." "Fine by me."

Roman watched Virgil expectantly. "So is that a yes?" Virgil stared at Roman for a little while longer before responding. "Yes."


i've noticed that i, and a lot of other writers, like writing virgil and roman as either obnoxious jerks or little uwu babies that need protection. we need a balance, so i made this, hopefully it came out okay :)) i hope you enjoyed, i love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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