Lost In The Music (Welcome To The Band Pt. 2) | Slight Prinxiety

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summary: roman is now officially part of the band, but does virgil like what he has to offer for the band?

word count: 1281

it's been a while since this was (technically) requested but i just got an idea for it now (ofc it was just an excuse to write about these songs) and yeah sorry :)) also the songs are "there's a good reason these tables are numbered honey, you just haven't thought of it yet" and "just one yesterday" :)

tw/cw// nervous/insecure roman, some semi-graphic imagery in the song, that's it :))


Roman walked onto the stage with the rest of the band. The cheers and applause were meant for Virgil and the other two band members but Roman couldn't help soaking it all in. Roman went over the song chords and notes in his head for the eighth time since they'd arrived, not entirely paying attention to Virgil's introduction speech.

Roman tuned back in when Virgil introduced the first song, he began playing the notes as Virgil began to sing. "Please, leave all over coats, canes and top hats with the doorman, from that moment, you'll be out of place and underdressed." Roman somehow managed to play the right notes while drooling over Virgil's smooth hip-sway. "I'm wrecking this evening already and loving every minute of it, ruining this banquet for the mildly inspiring and." Virgil repeated the first part of verse 1 again with the same swaying motions.

"Next is a trip to the, the ladies room in vain." Roman recognized this part easily. He remembered when he first read the lyrics, his heart stopped a bit. 'Hits a little too close to home, doesn't it?' Roman thought to himself every time he heard the verse. "I bet you just can't keep up with, with fashionistas," Some of the other band members sang back up, while Roman idly played like they'd practiced. "I bet to them your name is cheap, I bet to them you look like shh." Virgil put his finger over Roman's mouth and sauntered to the other side of the stage. Despite how much he hated listening to this part in the song, he loved the moves Virgil paired with it. "Talk to the mirror, oh choke back tears, and keep telling yourself that," The instruments trailed off and the band members snapped along with Virgil. "I'm a diva." The instruments resumed and finished off the song with Virgil.

Roman choked down his nerves and moved farther up the stage. 'This is it.'


Virgil smiled as the audience applauded the band. He turned and saw Roman moving up to his designated microphone for the next song. He really seemed at peace, that brought Virgil some comfort. He'd been worried for Roman, that maybe the pressure would be too much, or Roman would feel obligated to do the duet. Seeing Roman seemingly calm definitely helped bring him peace of mind.

Virgil turned back to the audience, "I'm really glad you guys enjoyed that last song." The audience cheered. "I probably would've died if you didn't." Virgil chuckled. "Well, this next song is a bit calmer, just to give us some time to rest. And our wonderful new bandmate has agreed to join in for a small part in this one." The audience applauded.

"So let's get this started, yeah? This is Just One Yesterday!"

Virgil grabbed ahold of the mic and tapped his foot against the stage, looking down as the music began. "I thought of angels, choking on their halos, get them drunk on rose water." Once he began singing, Virgil slowly looked up at the audience, a hint of a smirk playing on lips and he sang. He strolled back and forth on the stage, allowing himself to move loosely along with the music.

He approached Roman and dramatically leaned on him, not enough to ruin his playing but just enough to cause the crowd to erupt in cheers. "Anything you say can and will be held against you, so only say my name, it will be held against you." He moved away from Roman and sang through half of the song. Roman's part was coming up, Virgil couldn't deny that he was nervous. Roman had basically refused to practice this part in front of anyone else. It's not that Roman wasn't a good singer, he was great. But the fact that Virgil wasn't 100% sure Roman got the song down certainly didn't help any.

Virgil trailed off in the chorus as the instruments immediately slowed a bit for Roman's part. "If I spilled my guts," Roman sang beautifully into the mic with his eyes closed gently, the crowd cheered even louder as he sang. "The world wouldn't ever look at you the same way." Roman didn't dance around stage like Virgil usually did, he stayed in one spot, caught up in the music as he sang. Virgil watched him in awe, Roman was blocking out everything in favor of singing so gorgeously. "Now I'm here to give you all my love," Virgil sang quietly for the background vocals, ready to get back into the song after this last line. "So I can watch your face as I take it all away, away, away, yeah." The song picked up pace once more and Virgil jumped in with the rest of the song, literally and figuratively.

Once the concert was over, Virgil ran over to Roman as he gently put his bass away. Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman's shoulders and nearly squealed out of excitement. "Dude, that was so amazing! That was even better than I'd imagined in my head." Virgil pulled back and saw Roman's flushed face before it was almost instantly replaced with his usual cocky smirk. "Of course, I'm offended you'd expect anything less from me." Virgil playfully rolled his eyes and stepped back, allowing the other band members and Patton and Logan to shower the bassist with praise.

Virgil waited until everyone was gone before having a 'personal talk' with Princey. "I was serious earlier, that was really amazing." Roman shrugged with a small smile and messed with the water bottle label on the bottle in his hands, he didn't say anything in response. "I'm just a little curious, how come you didn't want to practice with us?" Virgil could practically see the cogs turning in Roman's head as he was deep in thought.

"I don't know. I just..." Roman sighed and closed his eyes. "I can sing, yeah, I can play the bass, sure. But I've never been entirely sure if I was amazing, you know?" Roman opened his eyes and stared at the ground. "I acted like a stuck up snob when you asked me to join you guys because I was scared I'd disappoint you. If you hated my attitude then you wouldn't want me in the band. I'd have regretted it but at least I wouldn't disappoint you too much. But you pushed me anyways and I'm glad you did."

Roman let out a dry chuckle. "And when you asked me to do the duet, I wanted to make sure it was perfect. I didn't want you thinking that you made the wrong choice. And sorry if I didn't really have a stage presence up there. I know a lot of people get disappointed when they find out my eccentric personality isn't really there during performances, I usually get too nervous to even think about anything except for how nervous I am."

Virgil rested his hand on Roman's. "You could never disappoint me. If you weren't that good of a player when I had asked you, I just would've worked extra hard to get you up there. Same goes for singing, I would've done anything to help you. And trust me when I say that you are amazing, Roman. Up there on stage tonight, you brought everyone into your own little world, if only for a minute or so. That part was perfect for you, you didn't need to be bouncing around. You did amazingly and it fit the song so well, I wouldn't have wanted to sing it with anyone else." Roman looked up at Virgil, "Really?" Virgil nodded and pulled Roman in for a tight hug.


woAHKAY, i've been meaning to post this, ik it's been a while, so i hope it was good enough for y'all :)) fun fact, i love both of those songs equally and there is an animatic on yt of the first one with janus singing it about roman and ever since then i've been trying to find a way to fit it into a one shot dhfhsfh any who, hope y'all enjoyed, love y'all, stay safe, buh bye!! (and Haley new year, hopefully this year's better)


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