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summary: all the sides can agree that logan is undeniably adorable.

word count: 470

okay this is a HUGE headcanon of mine that logan is like the cute one of the group so plz enjoy :) (you know, you would think that since i wrote this in like may, i'd actually post it on time but guess not :))

tw// swords ig, mention of violence/murder (it's barely anything)


Logan ran a hand through his hair and grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen. "Uh, Lo? You good?" Virgil asked quietly, Logan sighed. "I don't know, I've just been so stressed over Thomas' recent health and getting the new video out. I just can't seem to find the balance, to take care of a Thomas and myself." Virgil bit his lip and shrugged his jacket off, handing it to the logical side.

Logan tilted his head in confusion, "It usually helps me when I'm stressed, you can take it for a bit-" Logan took the sweater and slid it onto his torso, immediately snuggling into it with a smile. Virgil froze at how adorable Logan looked, "Thank you, Virgil, this shall be helpful." With that, he walked made his way back to his room, Virgil stood stunned in the kitchen, "Right, you're welcome..." He mumbled.


Roman and Remus continued their sword fight throughout other areas of the mind palace. "Be careful, kiddos!" Patton called out. They found themselves in an unknown room that was dimly lit. Both men slowly set their swords down and looked around, "Where are we?" Roman asked, Remus shrugged, investigating further.

They followed the single light source around the corner and froze in their tracks upon the sight. Logan was sleeping at his desk, glasses askew on his face while the soft light from the lamp made his face glow. "Sh-Should we move him to his bed?" Roman slowly nodded. He and Remus made their way over to the boy, gently waking him up. Logan softly groaned and looked at the twins with a sleepy gaze, causing a blush to spread over their cheeks.

"Uh, do you w-want us to move you to your bed, Lo?" He sighed and nodded, rubbing his eyes in a very childlike manner. Remus was very prepared to murder anyone for this adorable side of Logan that he'd never seen before. Roman picked the boy up from his chair, who instinctively wrapped his legs around the prince's waist and rested his head on his shoulder. Remus could tell Roman was about to squeal so he quickly pulled the blanket back and let Roman lay the sleepy side down before tucking him in. Both boys left with a strong blush, agreeing to end their sword fight as they were both too distracted by Logan's cuteness.


Janus and Patton cuddled into each other in the living room, watching Tangled. Virgil was with them but he was paying more attention to Tumblr at the moment. Roman and Remus soon joined them with red faces as they sat down. "What's wrong with you two?" Janus asked. "Let me guess, you found out how adorable Logan is?" Virgil raised an eyebrow, the twins nodded. Janus and Patton smiled and nodded in agreement.


i really enjoy baby logan :) also the first part was based off a comic on insta by corgicrafter, just too precious i had to. hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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