Socially Awkward | Moxiety

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summary: after a rough school year (and summer vacation), patton and virgil meet each other and realize they're more alike than they thought.

word count: 641

this one is a little awkward to summarize but just read it, it makes more sense.

tw// anxiety, mentions of death, mention of breakup, rumors (peeps who talk too much), ig that's it, it sounds worse than it is


First day of school and of course the loser has a panic attack in his car before entering the building. I walked through the halls with my head ducked down. I knew better than to make eye contact. People whispered about me as I passed by.

"There goes the kid with social anxiety."

"I heard his mom died over the summer and his boyfriend broke up with him."

"Well obviously, Roman shouldn't have to be seen with someone like him."

I went to my locker and shoved my books inside. Roman and I had met during the fall play last year. Roman was a jock and a theater geek, so he was wildly popular. Why he chose the quiet techie boy to hang out with no one will ever know. We started dating in February but over the summer, Roman hadn't heard from me for a week so he broke things off. It wasn't his fault that he had terrible timing in laying the news on me but he still should've broken up with me before the summer since he knew he didn't have romantic feelings for me since we started dating.

"What a loser, too bad he doesn't have any friends."

That wasn't true, I had one friend, Logan. Logan was somewhat of a social pariah as well so it worked out well for both of us. Logan always helped me with my panic attacks, dealing with my father, schoolwork, just about anything.

But no matter how much I cared for my best friend, I felt like there was something missing. Nothing in particular, probably just my anxiety or depression getting in the way. But there was still a nagging in my head.

I made my way to Chemistry, my favorite class. Most people assumed I loved music or English since I was always writing poems and songs but I enjoyed understanding things on a chemical level with compounds and such.

I sat in the back just like every class, every year. It wasn't so much that I didn't want to be noticed by the teacher, it was more that I didn't want to be noticed by the students. A kid, probably a new kid since I didn't recognize him, decided to sit right next to me. I stared at the boy curiously, admiring his aesthetic.

"Class, we have a new student today. His name is Virgil Black, can you stand up please?" Virgil stood awkwardly. "Patton, is it okay if he works with you? I know you like to be alone." I looked to the boy and nodded. She smiled and Virgil sat back down. "So your name's Virgil?" I asked. "Yeah, you're Patton, right?" I nodded.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why do you like being alone? I know I like being alone because I have anxiety and it's hard for me to talk to people sometimes but you're really easy to talk to, for some reason. Wait, was that weird? I'm sorry that was weird, you probably think I'm a loser now right? Great, I always do this-" I gently put a hand on his shoulder to stop him from talking. "It's okay." I giggled a little. "You aren't weird, in case you haven't noticed I'm the school's biggest loser. I also have anxiety so people don't usually talk to me. When I'm paired with people, they always make fun of me. But like you said it is easier to talk to you.

'Maybe he could be your friend. Invite him to lunch with you and Logan.'

'He would never agree to that.'

'No, he understands you, maybe he will, just take a chance.'

'He'll just think you're weird.'

"U-Um, do you wanna sit w-with me and my friend Logan at lunch today?" I hurriedly spat out before I thought too much. He smiled, "Sure."


that was quite possibly the laziest writing i have ever seen for a fic in my life. that plottwist is so over used, how many times have i used that in my writing I'VE BEEN USING IT SINCE 1ST GRADE

idk i was just feeling moxiety man. i would write moceit stuff bc let's be honest, we got fed some CONTENT but it's still weird so imma hold off on that.


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