Send Me A Sign | Logicality

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summary: logan wants to learn sign to communicate with his classmate. he goes to his classmate's older brother for lessons and finally starts a conversation with the boy.

word count: 445

when text is italicized, they are speaking in sign :) i made a second part to this that's only about virgil and roman. since they are juniors they've known each other longer

tw: none :)


Virgil was making his way to his locker one day after school to gather his things when he was stopped by possibly the nerdiest boy he'd ever seen standing by his locker. He faintly recognized him as a freshman, he noticed how he was usually alone, never with friends. "Hello, you are Virgil Baker, correct? I'm Logan Sanders and I require your...assistance." He seemed upset with the idea of asking for help, Virgil noticed.

"Uh, okay, what do you need?" He opened his locker and got what he'd need as Logan talked. "Well, Patton Sanders is your younger brother. It appears I have taken a liking to him. I understand he primarily speaks sign and while I have made numerous attempts to learn the language, they were each unsuccessful. However, I've noticed you are fluent in the language and I was hoping you could tutor me. I can pay you if you'd like-"

Virgil slammed his locker shut and turned to Logan with a smirk. "So, you have crush on Pat?" Logan turned red and looked to his feet, awkwardly adjusting his glasses, "U-Um, I suppose. I'm not exactly familiar with these feelings." "Alright then, cool. You don't need to pay me, just let me know time and place, Nerdy Wolverine."


"So this is 'science', right?" Roman and Virgil shared a look before shaking their heads. "That was really close though, you're getting better." Roman encouraged. Once Virgil translated, Logan gave a small smile before groaning. "I'm never going to get this. Two months, Virgil, two months and I'm still clueless."

"You can't become fluent in a language in one day, it takes time. Virgil has been learning for almost 7 years and he still isn't an expert. You're trying and that's what matters." Logan nodded and sighed, "Okay. What's next?"


Patton shut his locker and adjusted his backpack and made his way his first period. Logan calmed himself before rushing over to the boy and hesitantly tapping his shoulder. Patton turned around and smiled, "U-Um, okay you've got this, Logan. Okay, my name is Logan, we are in science together. I was wondering if you would like to be my lab partner."

This was definitely new for Patton. One, someone actually knew sign to talk to him! He didn't even have to read his lips. Two, no one wanted to be his lab partner or his friend because they never knew how to communicate with him. Yet here this boy was! Patton nodded with a giggle. Logan smiled in relief and looked up to spot Roman and Virgil giving him a thumbs up.

He slightly nodded and walked with Patton to science.


i tried not to use hearing impaired or anything bc someone i follow, who has a brother that speaks sign, said that it is rude to use those kinds of labels :) i hope this was wholesome enough for you all, stay safe, i love you all, buh bye!


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