Stay By Your Side | Logince

97 3 0

summary: in the zombie apocalypse, someone must make a sacrifice for everyone else. 

word count: 599

this is my subtle and passive way of begging TheRandomPenguin to update the pheasant ToT anywho, sorry this is kinda late in the day, i just had some stuff to do today sdkjfkdj

tw/cw// blood mentions, slight gore (not entirely descriptive), death, pain, sad roman/logan, crying, violence/weapons


Logan and his friends never expected to be caught in a zombie virus outbreak, of all things, yet here they were. They'd miraculously survived for about four days now, a miracle compared to the 84% of the city population that gradually became the cannibalistic monsters.

After escaping a rather large and overwhelming hoarde of zombies, the group of survivors needed to destroy the zombies surrounding the area while saving themselves from the same fate. "We have bombs; we just need to plant them all around the building, lure them in here, then set them off." Virgil said simply.

Logan winced at the pain in his elbow before speaking up. "They seem to be attracted to sound. All we'd have to do is find some way to make noise in here while escaping out the back doors. These should be about the last ones in the area so we shouldn't have much trouble once we escape."

Shaking his head, Patton sighed. "There has to be another way. This whole building was under renovation so there's no TVs or computers, someone would have to be making the noise to get them in here. I'm not letting that happen, so we need a new plan."

"It might be the only way, Patt. We tried saving as many people as we could and look, they still died. Now it's just the six of us, we need to lessen our obstacles by killing all of them." Janus argued.

Logan suddenly fell against the wall, causing the others to rush to him in concern. "Lo, are you okay? What's wrong?" Roman, Logan's boyfriend, gave him a once over, noticing how pale and dizzy he seemed.

Patton's breathing seemed to become shallow as Virgil spoke up, "R-Roman, his arm..." He trailed off.

Furrowing his eyebrows, Roman checked Logan's right arm; he freezed as he spotted a bite mark on his elbow, blood running down his arm. Tears filled Roman's eyes as he looked into Logan's. "H-How long-"

Logan gulped and looked down, cutting his boyfriend off in a shaky voice. "Just now. The effects will completely take over in about three minutes."

Roman squeezed his eyes shut, tears rushing down his face, before standing up and turning to the rest of the group. "I'll do it. Take my weapons and get out of here now." Logan protested in a weak voice, along with the other five boys.

Shaking his head, Roman handed his gun and knife to Janus and Thomas.  "I'm done, guys. I can't fight anymore. My parents are gone, my brother's gone, and now, my boyfriend's about to turn. I don't want to hold you guys back, especially not when you've done so much for me. So please, just let me do something useful one last time. Please."

Logan squeezed his hands painfully into fists. "T-Two minutes."

Roman glanced at him then back to his friends. "You guys have to survive this, okay?" They all took turns giving Roman a quick hug before running out of the room, quickly activating the bombs so they'd be ready to detonate at Roman's command.

"Roman, go. I can do it. I can't let you get hurt." Logan grunted through the pain.

Shaking his head and grabbing the detonator, Roman sat beside his boyfriend, grabbing his hand. "I can't go on without you. You're the last one I have. Besides, remember our promise? I agreed for a reason, Lo." Logan softly squeezed his hand before his body began seizing uncontrollably. Roman squeezed his eyes shut once more, knowing this was it.

"Do you remember the time I convinced you to ditch class after lunch so we could have a picnic?" Roman chuckled sadly. "Even though you were terrified of getting caught, I knew you were having the time of your life. You looked so beautiful that day, and you told me your favorite song was Tonight You Belong To Me by Patience and Prudence."

Logan didn't reply as he slowly turned into a monster. Taking in a deep breath, Roman pressed the button to unlock the doors. "I learned it so I could sing it for you." He said in a watery voice, pools building up in his eyes and Logan growled softly, now fully transformed. He sang the song, projecting his voice as he'd learned in theatre. 

The zombies all came rushing to Roman, Logan already attacking him viciously. Roman smiled sadly, despite the pain, "But tonight, you belong to me," He sang softly before pushing the detonation device.


"Roman?" Roman hummed in response, idly tracing shapes on Logan's chest. "What would you do if I were to be infected with a deadly virus?"

Roman chuckled and looked up at his boyfriend, letting the sound die out once he noticed how serious he seemed. "You still thinking about the movie?" Logan nodded. "Well, I'd probably stick by your side, no matter what. If someone really wanted me to get away from you, they'd have to pull me away from you themselves."

Logan frowned and grabbed his boyfriend's hand. "I wouldn't want to hurt you though."

Roman shook his head. "You wouldn't. I'll always stay by you, I promise."


sdjfhkdjf okay this made me cry just thinking about this last night, i hope you enjoy ToT also, all of us are dead is so good, i got this idea from there djfksjd anywho, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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