How An Introvert Makes Friends | (TY FOR 4K READS!!)

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summary: an introvert makes friends :))

word count: 843

wOAH mE? pOSTING? on a fRIDAY?? we're celebrating alllllll weekendddd babbbbyyyyy enjoy it while it lasts, probably won't do this again until 10k (if i ever get so lucky) :)

tw// uhhhh introverts, that's it :))


Virgil seemed like he was focused on his work on the outside but he was just staring at his paper, willing the answers to flow from Gerard Way's voice, which was currently being blasted into his ears. He thought that maybe he should put the volume down, maybe he'd be able to focus on the paper more. He then decided that was the stupidest suggestion ever and continued his staring contest with the math work.

Just as the song ended, some boy with a necktie sat next to him and asked him if it was okay to sit there. Virgil knew he could pretend he didn't hear him but he recognized the kid as another loner, no friends, no social life. Virgil took pity on him and nodded, he really hoped this guy wouldn't try talking to him though.


Virgil and the loner kid, who he learned was Logan, had known each other for four years now. They had only started talking with each other after the first six months, usually just sitting at the same table all day without a word. They were both big introverts and were both scared to say something that could possibly ruin their friendship.

After a while, though, Virgil desperately needed help on the homework that was due that day so he mustered up the courage to ask Logan for help.

Now sophomores, both boys were comfortable being themselves around each other, just not anyone else. Unfortunately, the universe decided to force them to socialize. Their history teacher decided to set them in a group project with two other boys in their class.

Virgil and Logan reluctantly sat at the table and kept silent. Virgil drew a little symbol on his paper, a made-up language between him and Logan, and nudged Logan to read it. They both chuckled quietly, the symbol meant gay idiots, obviously directed at the two boys who were practically fawning over each other on the other side of the table.

"Oh my gosh! You two are so cute together!" Logan and Virgil's gazes snapped up to the round, blonde-haired boy with glasses. "How long have you been dating? I've seen you guys around, you're so adorable! Ooh, I like your sweater, did you make that yourself?"

Virgil shrugged. "I just stitched the patches on. And he's not my...boyfriend." Virgil's mind was racing, did people actually notice them? If this boy thought they were dating, who else did? Was everyone laughing at them?

The other boy sighed. "See, this is a good example of what not to do when you meet strangers, Patton." He turned to Virgil and Logan. "I'm Roman, this is Patton. He's been isolated by his parents his whole life so excuse his overbearing nature." Patton looked offended. "Hey! I was not isolated and I am not overbearing. I've just never really interacted with anyone other than my parents and my tutor."

He turned to the two introverts. "I'm really sorry if I came on too strong. I didn't mean to make you feel awkward." Logan shook his head dismissively and stared at his desk, he really needed to learn how to not be so antisocial.

"So, your names are..." Roman trailed off expectantly. Logan felt it was only fair that he should start talking since Virgil was already uncomfortable enough as it is. "I-I'm Logan, he's Virgil." 'Did I seriously have to stutter?' Logan thought, annoyed.

"Well, Logan, Virgil, how about we get started on this project?"


Patton grabbed his backpack and smiled at Virgil and Logan. "So, do you guys want to come over to my house on Saturday?" Virgil and Logan shared a look then looked back at Patton. "Why? The project's due on Friday." Logan mumbled, just loud enough for Patton to know it was addressed at him.

"Well, if it's okay with you guys, we could become friends." Virgil bit his lip, it felt rude to just say no so he turned to Logan, confident he could read his mind. Logan panicked under the attention and looked between Virgil and Patton. "Uhh, sure." 'Logan is an idiot.' Virgil thought bitterly.


Virgil used to be feared by everyone, they were scared to talk to him, he was left alone specifically because he seemed threatening, so why was he sitting here while Patton cleaned icing off of his face?

Somehow, after initially meeting, Patton and Roman "adopted" Logan and Virgil, claiming they were "adorable" and "needed guidance". Virgil and Logan soon found out this meant being treated like children every second of the day, not that they minded much.

"You need to be more careful when you're eating, kiddo. I'm glad you liked my cupcakes but they belong in your stomach not on your face." Logan stifled a laugh at Virgil's playful annoyed expression, he resembled an angry kitten.

Virgil wasn't entirely sure when he'd become friends with any of these boys, he wasn't entirely sure how he'd gone from loner to having four friends, but he wasn't entirely sure this was a bad thing.


okay so i'm gonna try to post today, tomorrow, sunday, monday, and tuesday :)) why, you may ask, well bc this book hit 4k soooo excuse the slight spam but i'm happy :)) anyways hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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