You Belong Here | (FNAF AU)(Join Us FAB Pt. 2)

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summary: after their murder, the five souls hope they can be found and set free, but is it really that simple?

word count: 1186

this is a part two to join us for a bite, but this is mainly centered around janus. i just smushed the last few games together in here so be prepared for the books, pizzeria simulator, and ultimate custom night to be smashed in here :)

tw// threats, dead bodies, mention of murder, mention of kidnapping, crying, death, being in h-e-double hockey sticks, mention burning/fire, whew do not mess around with this one, it's a lot :))


Joan frowned as Thomas ran a stressed hand through his hair. "I know it hurts but maybe you should accept that Janus might be-" Thomas cut off his best friend. "No, he isn't. It's been a few months but he's okay. I promised I would keep him safe and that's exactly what I intend to do." Joan sighed and nodded. "I'm going to lock up real quick, I'll be back." Thomas left them at the small booth and left for his office.

Joan got up and walked over to the stage. They stared at the animatronics with a sad expression. "It's been 5 months, and they still haven't been found. I just wish there was something, anything." "Af...ton." A small voice croaked out. Joan furrowed their eyebrows and looked at the Bonnie robot. Joan knew logically that was impossible, but the voice seemed to originate from the robot. "What?" They replied. "Afton." More voices whispered rapidly, overlapping over one another.

"Did you call me?" Thomas' business partner William Afton approached Joan from his own office. Joan looked to the animatronics, that were now silent, then back to William. "Uh, no sorry. I should probably get to Thomas-" Joan made their way around William, nervously looking down. William grabbed ahold of Joan's arm and made eye contact with them. "Be careful around here, kid. You could get in a lot'a trouble for flapping your mouth about things you know nothing about." Joan pulled out of his grip, scowling at the older man. They noticed the animatronics had moved, each of them was closer to the edge of the stage and facing William. William, with his back turned to the stage, glared at Joan.

"Joan, let's go. Oh, William, I locked up in the back already, you can leave." Afton plastered on a fake smile. "Thank you, Thomas. I'll take my leave." As soon as he left through the front door, one last voice whispered, "Check the suits." Joan turned to the prize corner as the puppet sank back into his gift box. They bit their lip and thought for a moment. They were probably going crazy but those voices were right about Afton, something was wrong with him, maybe the voice was right about the suits. It couldn't hurt to check...

Joan hopped onto the stage and gestured Thomas over. "Thomas, turn on the suit mode." Thomas groaned tiredly. "Joan, I just want to get home." Joan rolled their eyes. "Please, Thomas. This is important." Thomas looked around and noticed the puppet peeking out from the prize corner. Thomas gulped and got onto the stage behind the Freddy costume.

Joan nodded and Thomas sighed. He clicked the spring locks into place then pulled the head off. "See? It's just an animatronic." He told his friend. Joan shook their head and motioned to the body. Thomas carefully pulled the body apart from the endo skeleton. His hands shook as a small arm flopped out. Joan and Thomas looked at each other and practically ripped the rest of the fur from the robot.

Thomas gasped and covered his mouth, he recognized the boy as one of his son's best friends, the boy who had celebrated his birthday the day he went missing, Roman. Joan carefully pulled the boy from the endo skeleton, the robotic parts had dug harshly into his body making it harder to remove him. Thomas and Joan gagged at the smell that released into the air. Employees and guests had noticed the smell, Thomas even had to fire an employee that had been messing around with the robots instead of cleaning them like he should have been. The smell was bad, yeah, but it had never been this bad before.

"You don't think..." Thomas trailed off tearfully, Joan nodded. Joan called the police as Thomas unlocked each suit. He refrained from fully removing the suits as he could see the hair, proof they were the missing boys, and he couldn't handle the smell anymore. "Wait, Janus." Thomas looked at the suits. Four boys, four suits. What about his own son? There were only two other suits but one was never used, due to spring lock failure while in suit mode a few years back, and the other was always used by William, it was only ever in suit mode and never robot mode.

The police arrived, one officer following Joan and Thomas to the back to see if his son was in a suit as well or still missing. Thomas stared at the two yellow suits laying limply against the wall. "Janus loved the Golden Freddy, maybe that one first." Joan whispered. Thomas nodded and forced himself over to the suit, pulling the head from the body. A small tuft of brown hair confirmed Thomas' worst fears. Joan pulled him into a tight hug as he sobbed into their shoulder. The officer called for back up and motioned for Joan and Thomas to leave what was now a crime scene.


Janus watched as his dad left the restaurant for the last time. "What's happening?" Virgil asked. "We're stuck here. They left us here to die." Logan spoke angrily. Patton sighed. "I'm really sorry, kiddos. I tried to help, I thought if they found your bodies you'd be able to leave." "We know. We can't leave, but we can make things right." Janus said. They were killed 5 years ago, and from the news his father had relayed to Joan over the years, there were more children murdered, more angry children. Everyone needed justice.


Janus woke up, the last thing he remembered was he had been burned. Someone had set fire to the animatronics, releasing the souls with them. Janus was still stuck though. He was angry, William needed to pay. He had stolen lives, he'd caused pain, he'd hurt so many people. Janus noticed he was still in the Golden Freddy suit he had come to hate and despise. William Afton was laying motionless away from Janus, motionless but not dead. Or maybe he was. Janus didn't care. He thought of who else could help him make William pay. Suddenly Roman appeared in front of him. Well, it was just Freddy but Janus had become accustomed to calling him Roman after spending 40 years alone with him and the others.

A plan came to Janus and he quickly got to work.


William woke up and looked around at the office he was sat in. It looked similar to his and Thomas' offices but still different. He checked the security cameras and sighed as they were empty. Suddenly a nightmarish version of the Freddy animatronic attacked him, killing him. "I am remade, but not by you. By the one you should not have killed." A monstrous voice sounded. William woke back up and looked around, he was in the same office. Funtime Foxy attacked him this time, only for him to reawaken to the horror over and over again.

After an eternity, William's surroundings dimmed. In the distance, getting closer and closer, was a twitching Golden Freddy suit. The one he shouldn't have killed.


i keep getting the urge to post all of my drafts bc i don't really like any of them and i want to write more but i have no ideas?? it's all good, it's fine :)) hope you enjoyed anyways, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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