Valentine Cupid's Bakery

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summary: patton's bakery is the most popular bakery in town but what's his secret?

word count: 1554

this one is one i'm very proud of but i wish i knew how to end it, sorry it's long and there's barely an ending but enjoy :)

tw// mention of murder/death, mention of cannibalism, violence, unsympathetic patton, kidnapping, use of weapons, vomit, crying, seriously this is not for the faint of heart BE WARNED


"We're here with Patton Valentine of Valentine Cupid's Bakery. In celebration of the town's oldest member, who's turning 115 today, Patton baked a cake with an area of 90 cubic feet. This cake is 15 feet long and 6 feet wide, for our entire town to share. Now Patton, we know the city mayor commissioned for this cake to be made but he never specified how big. What made you want, or even try, to make a cake this big?" The newscaster asked. The 28 year old boy smiled widely, "Well I knew I wanted the cake to be shared as soon as the mayor asked me to do this. And especially with the recent tragedies of children and adults going missing, I figured this cake could not only represent what we're proud of but also what we will always remember."

She nodded understandingly, "I see. That was amazingly thoughtful of you, Patton. Can you tell us a little more about the construction of a cake this big?" He nodded and led her to the cake. "He told me about this a month ago so I figured I'd have enough time to get an oven big enough for this. The cake is make up of six different cakes. Each is 7.5 feet long and 2 feet wide. I also had to order a large shipment of the ingredients, especially the frosting. I started this about a week ago and finished it yesterday morning. It took about ten hours every day to work on, I had to close my shop this past week because I was so invested in this. My friends were really worried about me." He giggled.

"I do want to say though that I don't know that this will be as good as my other cakes and treats. I had to skip out on certain ingredients that make my treats taste better but aren't necessary because I was running low on resources, so no promises. I do hope Henry enjoys the cake though!"

The newscaster laughed and turned to the camera, "I'm sure he will. Patton's bakery will be open for business again next week once he refills on ingredients. You're gonna have quite the list of orders when you open up." She said glancing at Patton. "Well it's gonna be a fun day here at we hope everyone can join us, back to you Cotton."


Virgil walked up to his best friend's bakery and smiled up at the sign. Roman, Logan, and Virgil had helped Patton create his business so they all signed the board that hung above the entrance, their handprints side by side in separate colors.

He'd been on tour with his book series for six months now. As exciting and fun his tour was, he missed his best friends. He'd landed back in his hometown just an hour ago and his first course of action was visiting his friends. He knew they'd all be at the bakery since it was tradition to meet there every Friday after Patton closed up shop.

He walked in and felt comfort engulf his body from the familiar, warm scent of cookies. "Virgil? How are you? I haven't seen you in forever!" Roman picked him up in an embracing hug, spinning him around. "I missed you too, Princey. Is Robo Lo here?" He asked as the princely man set him down. As if on cue, Logan appeared next to the two men. "Greetings, Virgil. Congratulations on the success with your book series." The emo boy smiled shyly and rubbed the back of his neck, "Thanks, Lo. I'm kinda proud of how much popularity it's gotten in this past year."

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