Win Or Lose | Prinxiety

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summary: roman and virgil are trapped in a game show, they need to find a way out, but it won't be that easy

word count: 1634

this is really stupid my dudes, i suggest skipping this one :)

tw// mention of attempted suicide, mention of gun/weapon, a lot of mention of death and different types of death, and panic attack


"At least I do my job. You're constantly fooling around instead of working. Logan, Patton, and I are focused on one thing and one thing only, making sure Thomas is safe and okay. But it seems like all you care about is trying to kill him!"

"That's a bold faced lie!"

"Is it now? It didn't seem like a lie when you almost made him shoot himself!"

"I was merely doing some light target practice when the bullet just so happened to ricochet off the metal and aimed at Thomas' eye. At least I moved him out of the way."

"You didn't move him at all, you just stared at the bullet, I had to move him. Look, I appreciate how you've been laying off me a little these past few months but this is getting out of hand. We have a job and we all have to do it 24/7, whether we like it or not. If so much as one of us gets too out of control, we all die. Did you really seem to forget that part or are you really that stupid?"

They both continued to argue back and forth as Logan and Patton watched the scene unravel. "I've had enough of their behavior. Patton, follow me." The moral side obediently followed him to the stairs with worried glances back at the two sides looking like they'd rip each others' throats out. "Wait, but what about them? What if something happens?"

Logan sighed and snapped his fingers, which was followed by silence as they continued to make their way up the stairs, "There, problem solved. Patton, I assume you are well aware of the "specialties" each trait possesses, am I correct?" Patton nodded. "Well, Roman can conjure up anything he pleases, you can speed up time, and Virgil's has yet to be determined. But I can alter negative energy by creating a logical scenario to fix the problem. As demonstrated on Virgil and Roman, their negativity was so strong I was able to teleport them to their rooms and make them fall asleep. But I have a feeling they'll still remember their fight once they awaken and try to continue it. So, I need your help. I need to somehow show them that they need each other without them thinking I'm in control of it. We both know they are highly emotional and could easily turn their problems onto me if they feel "attacked"."

Patton nodded, "So, what are we gonna do?" Logan opened his room, allowing the fellow trait to follow him. "What can we do? They're both stubborn, dramatic, and even though they're funny sometimes, it can be irritating."

Patton looked around and gasped with a smile, "A game show!" Logan raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?" Patton chuckled, "You said you could fix the problem with an imaginary scenario, right? If you put them into a "game show" and make them fear their own deaths, you can force them to work together and trust each other!" Logan looked a little shocked and confused, "I saw it on Voltron." Patton explained. "Ah, I see. Well then, it's an amazing idea, Patton. If there is still some negative energy, of which there is most likely much more, I could create it right now so once they awaken, they will be there." Patton nodded and gave Logan a hug, "Let's hope this works. For Thomas." He whispered. Logan blushed and cleared his throat, "Uh, yes, f-for Thomas."


Roman's POV

I woke up and opened my eyes, wincing at the bright light. I tried to pull my arms but they were tied to a beam behind my back. "Woah, would ya look at that?! Our first contestant is finally awake. Let's have a bit of a backstory on this gorgeous sleeping beauty. He was once just a pretty face, no brains, all brawn." My eyes adjusted on the screen, a video of me tripping played and the audience roared with laughter. "But then, a beautiful prince entered this king's kingdom. It was love at first sight. And how does the knucklehead treat him? He makes fun of him, insults him, and makes him feel less than he is."

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