Overwhelmed | Logince

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summary: logan is overworking himself, and roman helps him to relax.

word count: 399

this is super short, but i just needed some logince in my life rn skfkshdfkj also, can be romantic or platonic, whichever :)

tw/cw// crying, sad logan, stress


Roman and his other friends were becoming worried about their friend Logan. Their school's workload had become much more difficult, especially for Logan, who had many advanced and dual credit classes. They all visited his house and decided that Roman would be the best one to check up on the nerd since they'd been best friends for years. 

They'd all offered to help Logan with his work, but the boy insisted on doing it himself, claiming they'd do the work wrong or get him caught for cheating. So the boy buried himself in work without any help whatsoever. This is why Roman expected to see Logan working or asleep at his desk, but he was surprised to see the teenage boy sitting on the floor and staring back at him with a quivering lip and watering eyes.

"Logan? What happened to Mr. "I-Can-Do-It-By-Myself"?" Roman couldn't help the small chuckle the escaped him. He immediately regretted it, though, as tears began streaming down Logan's face, and he began sobbing. "Okay, fine, I'm sorry. Come here." Logan allowed Roman to pull him up into a hug, weakly wrapping his arms around the princely boy's shoulders.

Roman glanced at Logan's desk and sighed as he spotted everything Logan had been working on. Logan only partially finished most of the work, likely because he would continuously get stuck on each subject. Roman felt his heart break a little when he noticed the teardrops that stained the pages' bottom. 

Roman brought Logan to his bed and laid down beside him. "You wanna talk about it, buddy?" Logan sniffled and leaned his head onto Roman's chest. "It's just so much work; I'm supposed to be valedictorian, I'm supposed to be able to do this, but it's just too hard." 

Roman smoothed out Logan's hair and sighed. "I know it's overwhelming, Lo. You just have to take it one step at a time. How about this? Patton and I can help with speech, then Janus will help you with world history, Remus can help with chemistry, and Virgil can help you with English. Simple enough, okay? And it's not cheating; we're just helping you." Logan sighed and nodded.

Roman anticipated Logan to attempt to go back to his work, but the nerdy boy instead cuddled closer to Roman and allowed sleep to take over his brain. Roman smiled down at him and held the boy closer.


this was just a small idea, i thought it'd be nice :)) hope y'all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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