Soulmates | Logince

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summary: everyone has a soulmate, whether platonic, romantic, etc.; after someone's soulmate says their first words to them, those words appear on their wrist. roman isn't a fan of this recurring phenomenon, but he's interested to see where his short, intellectual soulmate will take him. 

word count: 983

logan uses he/they pronouns here, so i switch between those here :)) and roman has some trauma sprinkled in here; it's not a lot, but be warned. also, NEW ASIDES VIDEO TODAY!! as of rn, it hasn't come out yet, but i'm very excited for it sfjdkjj

tw/cw// small mentions of trauma (emotional abuse, bullies), slightly sad logan, that should be it :)


Roman glanced down at his wrist; the words he'd come to memorize were written so neatly. 

'Remove head from sphincter, then walk.'

It wasn't exactly how he always imagined his first encounter with his soulmate to go—a lovely meet-cute like meeting eyes across the room or accidentally touching hands, maybe.

Roman waved excitedly to his friend Patton across the hallway. He rushed over to Patton, not paying attention to where he was going. His body collided with another, pushing him back slightly. The person looked up at him with an annoyed expression. "Remove head from sphincter, then walk." They growled out before pushing past him. 

Roman frowned as he watched them storm off before gasping as he felt an itching sensation on his wrist. He quickly pulled down the sleeve of his jacket, reading over the words in shock as they appeared.

Roman had a difficult time finding the person he'd run into. He was mute, so making conversation was often challenging. However, he was selectively mute, so it's not like he couldn't talk. He chose not to speak due to societal pressures that emphasized the importance of speech and deeply hidden memories that caused him enough fear and pain to never speak around strangers again. Additionally, he didn't want someone to feel stuck with him because he said one thing. He always wanted to find his soulmate, but the idea of someone being with him without really knowing him was daunting. 

Although asking around about the person that was his soulmate was an awkward task, he eventually discovered that the strange person was Logan Sanders. The two had never met before the hallway incident; Roman learned that Logan was a very reclusive person, so it was a rare occasion that Roman had bumped into the student. 

Roman wasn't sure what to do. He knew the name of his soulmate, and he'd met his soulmate already; maybe he could get to know Logan before pursuing the relationship.

The princely boy made up his mind, approaching his soulmate in the cafeteria a week after their initial meeting. Logan looked up at Roman with a raised eyebrow. "Yes?" Roman let out a nervous squeak involuntarily. The other two boys at the table laughed; Roman noticed Logan didn't, simply adorning a softer, more sympathetic look than before.

The nervous boy pulled out a notepad and quickly wrote a small message.

'I'm Roman Prince. He/him.'

Logan scanned the paper, glanced up at Roman, then pulled out a pencil to write a reply.

'Logan Sanders. He/they.'

Roman nodded and gestured to the empty seat beside Logan, silently asking if he could sit there. Logan nodded. Once Roman sat down, the two jumped into a small conversation, writing to each other back and forth.

Logan asked if there was a reason he preferred to write down what he wanted to say; Roman told him he was selectively mute. The mute boy half-expected Logan to decide to start talking, as most people did after finding out he had good hearing. But Logan just smiled, nodded, and continued writing with Roman.


Roman stifled his laughter at something Logan wrote on the paper, watching Logan's knowing smirk while he pretended to be paying attention to the teacher. 

After the two discovered they shared two classes, they began to spend more time together. Whenever Roman was having a bad day, Logan made it their mission to cheer up the upset boy and vice versa. 

That was where Roman found himself currently, trying not to catch the teacher's attention as Logan relentlessly made him laugh. Logan just seemed to have an effect on Roman that was foreign but not unwelcome. Roman understood why he was his soulmate.


While over at the princely boy's house, Roman spotted Logan staring down their sleeve sadly. He sat down beside the nerd and typed into his notes app, acting oblivious.

'Have you met your soulmate yet?'

Logan sighed and shook his head. Roman frowned and rested his hand on Logan's. They looked up at Roman, accepting the comfort he was silently offering.


Roman frowned at himself in the mirror nervously. He only ever spoke in front of his family, no one else. He pushed down the memories of childhood bullies and emotionally abusive family members that made him feel insecure about his voice. 'Logan's not like that. Everything will be okay.'

The young boy had decided it was time to say his first words to Logan finally. He didn't know what he'd say exactly, but he wanted it to be something special; after all, this would be stuck on Logan's arm forever.

The doorbell rang, and Roman reluctantly went to open the door, smiling as Logan stood there. The two left for the cafe they agreed to hang out at because of how small it was. "So, graduation is coming up, and you always have some extravagant plan; what should we do?" Logan asked with a smile.

Roman took in a deep breath, "We should...go on a date." He winced at how scratchy his voice sounded, forcing himself to look up at his friend. Logan's eyes were wide as he stared down at the words as they appeared on their wrist. He looked up at Roman in shock. "Y-You're..." Roman nodded reluctantly.

He pulled out his phone and quickly typed out a message in his notes app.

'I know it's not ideal, and you might be a little bit disappointed, but I've been able to fall in love with you without rushing into it because of some stupid words on my wrist. Wherever we go now is entirely up to you.'

Logan read over the words then gazed back into Roman's eyes. He smiled softly. "I think a date would be a perfect way to start this off; how about you?" Roman smiled and nodded excitedly, eliciting a chuckle from the more down-to-earth boy.


i finally found inspiration to finish this after bojack horseman season 4 made me bawl my eyes out haha :,) (btw, i finished it now, and i :,) i have some things to say ksfhdk) anywho, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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