Valentine's Day | Loceit

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summary: logan's had a bad and janus wants to make his valentine's day better

word count: 331

this one is just fluff basically, just loceit skdhfkjd i also procrastinated writing an analysis until today (when it's due) so i have to do that ig T-T)

tw/cw// kinda sad Logan but that's it :))


Janus never kept tabs on his boyfriend Logan, nor did he ever plan to. However, the last place he expected him to be as he searched for him after school was at home. Logan usually stayed after school every day for tutoring or a club of some kind, he'd never go straight home. With a quick text to his mom, Janus made his way to Logan's house, hoping to spend a few hours with him.

Once he arrived, a tired-looking Logan opened the door, seeming only slightly surprised to see his boyfriend there. After inviting him in, Janus decided to ask if there was anything wrong with Logan that caused him to seem so tired and go straight home after school.

Sighing, Logan replied, "Everything just got to be a bit...too much to handle. My mom said I needed a break and told me to come home, so I did."

Nodding in understanding and sympathy, Janus pulled out a box of Logan's favorite fruits. "Well, since your Valentine's Day hasn't been that good, I'd like to make up for it with some fruit and Cobra Kai? How does that sound?"

Logan smiled in agreement and lazily cuddled with Janus on his bed, replaying the first episode of Cobra Kai so they didn't have to focus much on it. As Logan slowly fell asleep, he moved the box of fruit out of the way before giving Janus a small kiss on the cheek, "Thank you. I know this might not be ideal for you but I love spending this time with you."

Shaking his head, Janus kissed the crown of Logan's. "Nonsense, any moment I get to spend with you is ideal as it is. I don't like that you had to get stressed out before relaxing but I hope that you'll be able to enjoy today a bit more."

Logan scooted in closer to his boyfriend as Janus lowered the volume on the TV. 'Best Valentine's Day ever.' Logan thought happily.


idk, not a huge fan of fluff like this but it's there sjdhfkdsj has everyone seen the gavin sides vid??!! it's so cute!! and cloak just dropped a new line with ethan and mika and their modeling pics are so pretty and i really wanna buy the merch ToT any who, i hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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