Wanna (Date) Study? | Logince/Roceit

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summary: logan has a crush on roman but instead of asking him on a date, he asks if he wants to study sometime. their plans don't go as scheduled.

word count: 631

this is slightly roceit but also logince so that's why it's in half :)

tw// verbal/emotional abuse, that's it :))


'Okay, calm yourself, Logan. You can do this. The worse case scenario is he denies you.'

Logan inhaled deeply and closed his locker. He turned to face the direction of the boy he had taken a strong liking to. Roman Prince. Everything about him was perfect. His soft and wavy light brown hair, his bright pink lips, his melodic laugh, his bright green eyes, his- 'Ew, why is he here?' Logan thought bitterly at the new addition to the scenery.

Of course there was one flaw to Prince and that was his inability to see through flattery or, alternatively, his insecurity and ego mushed into one big pile. Janus Blair, Roman's boyfriend. Or maybe ex-boyfriend. Honestly their relationship was so toxic that they were an on again, off again couple. They'd fight a lot, break up, Janus would do something big to "apologize" to Roman, and being the romantic that he is, he'd take him back and start the vicious cycle all over again.

"Hey beautiful. You look sexy today, don't worry, no one notices your muffin top." Janus whispered to Roman. Logan clenched his fist and silently growled at him. Roman self-consciously tugged his crop top down. He was obviously thinner than last month when Janus told him the same thing, which upset Logan to his core.

"Hey Lo! What're you doing?"

"He's stalking his boyfriend." The logical boy sharply turned to face his two best friends, Patton Valentine and Virgil Black. Patton smiled widely, his chubby cheeks bunching the sides of his face. Virgil, on the other hand, smirked at Logan knowingly.

"He is not my boyfriend and I'm not stalking him." Logan growled. "I just can't seem to ask him something. It's difficult to just go up and ask him a simple question." He said carefully as to not set off another "Patton attack", as Virgil called them. However, Patton still knew what Logan was implying and started squealing loudly. "That's so cute! You're nervous to talk to him."

"Well, you better get over that quickly. He's coming over here." Logan's eyes widened at Virgil's words and slowly turned to see Roman was in fact bouncing over to the boys. "See ya later, Lo!" Patton called as Virgil dragged him away.

"Hey, Microsoft Nerd. You ready to go to algebra?" Logan gulped and nodded, following the boy to their next class. "Y-You look really nice today." Roman smiled, "Really? Thank you." They both sat in their respective seats in the front. "Um, R-Roman, I was wondering if..." Logan looked down at his hands. 'ABORT MISSION, ABORT MISSION!' His mind screamed at him. "If...you wanted to study for the test next Friday. You can come over whenever-"

"Whaddup dork!" Logan felt a hand shove his head forward and rolled his eyes. Remus Prince, somehow Roman's identical twin. He was almost the exact opposite of Roman. His hair had a white streak and he loved wearing purple and black eyeshadow every day. His clothes always had a touch of black or green, he purposely dressed and acted opposite of the princely boy for attention.

He sat on Logan's desk and rested his feet on the boy's backpack, undoubtedly crumbling his folders in the process. "So, I'm having a party tonight and you better come." Janus said in Roman's ear before kissing his cheek. Roman sighed then looked at Logan, "Well, Logan and I were going to study for the test next Friday." Janus glared at Logan, "That's a whole week away, you can study another time, right Logan?" Logan looked at Roman and nodded. "We can study next week or over the weekend."

"Great, see you at the party, love." Janus smirked. Remus grinned before fulling stepping on Logan's backpack and walking away.

'Great job, Logan, you chickened out again.'


this one was written way before svs redux came out so i made janus the villain here (which makes me very sad :( bc baby boy) but hope you still enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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