Dodgeball | Logince

167 8 5

summary: roman and remus are very athletic, very competitive, and very popular. maybe a certain nerd will come along to set them straight

word count 610

logan is truly beautiful like ik all of the sides are thomas but he plays some of them in that certain way that like oOH- if i had to choose the HOTTEST sides it would be logan then janus and then virgil, true simp right here :) also, you can see logince as romantic or platonic in this, it doesn't matter :)

tw// dodgeball (so injuries and mentions of past injuries)


Roman and Remus were known around school for being the best at all physical activity. Football, soccer, track, they were always first place and always co-MVPs. No matter how hard they tried, no one could beat either of them.

So it wasn't a surprise that no one volunteered to go against them in a 2:2 dodgeball game for PE. Except one. Everyone gasped as a small voice declared, "I'll do it." Roman and Remus stared at the hand that was raised at the back of the class, wondering who had the guts to face off against them. Everyone stifled their laughs when the owner of the hand made his way to the front, revealing a tiny boy with sports goggles, which only served to make him look even dorkier.

"Okay, anyone else? It has to be a fair game, guys, two on two." Everyone else took a step back and the coach sighed. "Do you want me to be your partner or are you okay going out there alone?" The nerd shrugged. "I'll do it solo." The coach nodded and turned to Roman and Remus. "Go easy on him, he's tiny." Remus nodded, obviously not intending to stay true to his word. But Roman continued to stare at the boy, who rolled his eyes at the comment regarding his size. He watched as the dork pulled out sports gloves and angrily muttered something to himself.

Roman and Remus took their places, Roman feeling a little nervous at the dangerous bloodthirsty glint in the nerdy boy's eyes. Out of all the games Roman had been in, all the competitions and races, he'd never seen someone so determined to win.

The whistle blew and the boy sped to the center line, rolling most of the dodgeballs to his own side. Roman and Remus were only left with three dodgeballs, Remus cursed under his breath and threw the ball at full force. Everyone in the sidelines gasped, Remus's throws were not to be taken lightly, he had broken many noses with one throw. Roman's eyes widened at the loud smack the ball made as it came in contact with the wall.

Moments later, Remus landed on his back, he was hit in the face. 'That's never happened. No one ever gets Remus out.' Roman thought, watching Remus storm off the court. He turned to the small boy and dodged the ball he threw at him at the last second.

"Come on, Ro, kick his ass!" Remus shouted from the sidelines.

"Language! The coach shouted at him. "English!" Remus replied.

Roman refocused on the game. He threw his ball in that special way that's become his trademark move, the Fireball. He could throw at speeds that most could only dream of. His efforts seemed to be fruitless, all Roman saw was the boy's smirk and determined eyes, next thing he knew a dodgeball hit him in the face and caused him to fall ungracefully to the floor.

The students cheered for the nerd, Roman and Remus long forgotten in their eyes. The twins shared a look then approached the boy, the students all settled and parted in a pathway. Still wearing his smirk, the nerd seemed unfazed by the twins' presence.

"You should consider yourself lucky that I won't beat you up-" Remus growled, Roman placed a hand on Remus's chest to stop him. "Sorry about him, he's a sore loser. You were pretty good out there, nerd. It's not often we get real competition." The nerd shrugged. "Someone needed to take you down a notch."

Roman chuckled, "I never got your name." The nerd held out his hand. "My name's Logan, Logan Sanders."


i finally get to watch steven universe future now so i'm like binging it it's so good :)), anywho hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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