Stars | Platonic Analogical

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summary: logan wants virgil to feel more comfortable at a party, so he opens up to him, exposing his even nerdier side. virgil absolutely adores it and never wants to let go of the excitement.

word count: 278

ik i put platonic but you can take it as romantic or platonic, it works either way :)

tw// maybe just being uncomfortable at a party :))


Virgil chewed the inside of his cheek and adjusted his cup for the fifth time in a row. Logan sensed his friend's rising anxiety. It made sense, they were at a party with a lot of extroverted people, not exactly their speed. Logan scanned his area, thankfully it was an outdoor party, and grinned widely as he spotted just what he needed. He hastily grabbed Virgil's hand and pulled him over to a nearby patch of grass.

Virgil watched, very confused, as Logan lied down on the grass and patted the spot next to him. The boy figured everyone was busy doing their thing, they wouldn't notice the two anti-social weirdos lying together on the floor. He took the spot and rested his head down.

"You see that right there?" Virgil followed Logan's finger to the bright bundle of stars in the sky. "That's Cassiopeia. The myth says that..." Logan carried on, excitedly telling the stories of the constellations. Virgil watched his eyes brighten, his hands waving so dramatically that Roman would be jealous. This was a whole new side to his best friend. They'd know each other for 12 years and Virgil had never once seen him get this excited about a subject.

When he was done talking, Logan settled for gazing at the world's beautiful freckles. Honestly, this side of Logan was quite adorable. Virgil wanted to see more of this, maybe he could slowly pull him out of whatever cage he's hidden inside. "What about those stars, Lo?" Virgil pointed in a random direction, feeling amazing when Logan began excitedly ranting again.

Virgil never wanted to lose this, he wanted to cherish this moment forever.


honestly i wrote this just to make myself feel better and it actually worked, talking about how adorable logan is makes me happy :)) i hope y'all enjoyed, love y'all, stay safe, buh bye!


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