Online Pt. 2 | Prinxiety

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summary: virgil notices that roman is more lonely than he leads on, maybe he's the solution to that problem

word count: 897

okay so, this is a sequel to my other one-shot, online, that one is kinda relevant for this one dhdjs also, can i just say that i love the tall!virgil and short!roman dynamic like i can imagine virgil as a gentle giant that's like super quiet while roman is all over the place and full of energy <3

tw/cw// sad roman, anxious/depressed thoughts, tears, lil bit of sadness, that should be it :))


Virgil went through his same daily routine, always starting with his little brother reprimanding him for staying up so late. "Even though the sleep required for you as a teenager is less than the sleep required for an adolescent such as myself, you should not be wasting away valuable resting time on some computer game-" "Lo, don't scold Virgil, that's my job." Their dad said with a smile from the kitchen.

Logan grumbled to himself. "If he passes out from exhaustion one of these days, don't blame me, Patton." Virgil chuckled to himself at how stubborn and sassy his brother could be.

Once he got to school, nothing new happened. The day was always uneventful and slow since Virgil had no friends but he preferred it that way; he'd never had friends before since he was incredibly shy and he was perfectly content with everything around him. 

If anything, he only wished the beautiful boy in his art class was in his life somehow. Roman Prince. He doubted Roman considered him to be anything but a speck of dirt in his world; but when they played together online, he was the emo's entire universe. 'I want nothing more than to talk to him in person, maybe some day.' He thought wistfully.

After school, he went straight home and logged onto his computer as usual. He checked the chat between him and Roman, concern crossing his face when the boy left the message, 'Can you call me? Asap?'

'What wrong? Is he hurt?' Virgil's mind raced through the possibilities as he nervously gulped. He clicked on the call icon, turning off as his camera as usual and waiting for Roman to answer. When he finally did, even through the pixelated screen, Virgil could see the tear-stained cheeks on the boy's numb expression. "Sorry, I know we agreed no cameras but can you..." Virgil bounced his leg nervously.

He couldn't show Roman his face, not yet anyway. But he also couldn't say no to the boy. "Um, hold on." He mumbled before turning the light off, pulling his hoodie over his hair, and covering the bottom half of his face with a sweater paw. 'He can't be disappointed if he only sees my eyes, right?' He turned on the camera, watching slight relief wash over Roman's face. "Thanks. And again, I'm sorry. I just really needed to feel like I'm talking to someone real, someone who cares, for once."

"Ro, I'll always be there for you, you know that." Roman nodded, taking in a shaky breath. "I-I just feel so stuck in life, like nothing matters and, no matter what, everything will be more of the same. I shouldn't feel that way but I do. And I always hope that maybe I'll go to school one day and someone will be there for me but it never happens." "You know that there are people who care about you, right?"

Roman sighed, seemingly frustrated. "I know, but," He paused for a moment. "I don't feel like there's anyone who understands me. Or is even willing to take the time to try." Roman turned to the door of his bedroom before wiping his tears and getting ready to log out of their chat. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." He gave a tight-lipped smile before exiting out.

Virgil leaned back in his chair, not realizing how tense he'd gotten listening to Roman talk about his life. He knew one thing for sure; he needed to stop being in the sidelines of Roman's life and try to help him. Even if it took talking to him in person and making a complete idiot of himself, he'd do it. The Roman he saw on the screen moments ago was the real Roman, not the one he normally saw at school, but the isolated boy behind that confident mask. 

'I need to help him.'


The next day, Virgil planned to meet with Roman after play rehearsal. He knew he'd have to meet with Roman eventually, 'May as well do it now.'

With shaky hands, Virgil sat himself beside the theater's outside door and tried to calm himself down and pass the time. He subconsciously began singing, softly mumbling the lyrics to 'If I Could Tell Her' from Dear Evan Hansen.

"You're really good." The emo jumped and looked up at the source of the voice in shock. Roman put his hands out apologetically. "Sorry! I just heard you singing and I wanted to compliment you."

Virgil quickly stood up and gaped at his crush nervously. "R-Right..." Roman awkwardly looked around and nodded. "Well, anyways, I should-"

"W-Wait." The tall boy forced out. Roman looked shocked, but stayed in place, waiting curiously.

The emo sputtered before sighing shakily. "You know me- or, at least a little. I'm, um, emo nightmare. That'" Roman had leaned in as Virgil talked since he was barely audible; but he was retracting back in surprise.

"V-Virgil?" The tall emo nodded slowly, still anxious about how his best friend, and crush, would take the news.

A faint blush spread across Roman's face before it broke into a soft smile. He pulled the taller teen into a tight hug. "It's you." He whispered happily.

Virgil tentatively wrapped his arms around Roman's shoulders before melting into the hug, burying his face into the short boy's soft, brown locks. "It's me." He whispered back.


okay so school made me so upset yesterday, it was not good (especially for the first day dhdjsk 😭) but today, i've been trying to focus on writing this around my busy schedule so dhdjs anywho, hope y'all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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