Placeholder | Platonic Moxiety (Background Royality)

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summary: virgil's best friend is falling in love with someone virgil doesn't trust. at first, he does all he can to separate the two, but he ends up separating his friendship instead.

so this is heavily based on heartstopper, virgil might seem a lil possessive at the beginning but it's explained (i think sjdkfsf) so yeah, this one made me really sad for virge :,)

word count: 814

tw/cw// sadness, crying, roman/patton conflict, ahaha virgil's abandonment issues, mentions of fighting/blood


Patton was falling in love with Roman Prince. The thought infuriated his best friend Virgil. Not because Virgil was jealous or anything, he just hated seeing his best friend hurt. He knew Roman was friends with the boys who bullied Patton in freshman year, he knew Roman was straight and could never love Patton back, he knew Roman would hurt Patton eventually, and Virgil couldn't stand by and let that happen.

Any time the opportunity presented itself, Virgil would place himself between the two. He'd keep an eye on Patton, another on Roman. He made their interactions his business whenever he could.

Was it a bit overprotective? Maybe...okay, yes, it was a lot overprotective. But Roman wasn't there when Patton had panic attacks every day for a whole school year, Roman didn't see the mental toll the bullying took on Patton, he didn't have to helplessly watch as people tore the kind boy down. Virgil was there, he'd always been there.

So he did what he had to, for Patton.

But it seemed Patton was getting tired of him. He'd sneak off with Roman for lunch, after school, between class. The only time Virgil got to see his best friend was on the morning walk to school.

Virgil took the hint and tried to stop being so overprotective, but it seemed the damage had been done. He rarely ever saw Patton anymore. He'd see him in the mornings, sure, but Patton never came to eat lunch with him anymore, he never joined in on movie nights among the friend group, he even ignored Virgil's texts sometimes, claiming it was an accident.

The lonely boy wasn't sure who to blame more: himself or Roman.

On one hand, his and Patton's relationship was perfectly fine before Roman came into the picture. Roman constantly asked Patton over to his house, to eat lunch together, he even asked him to join the soccer team after school for more time together.

But on the other hand, Roman wasn't doing anything intentionally. He asked Patton to be on the team because they needed one more alternate, Patton could easily decline his invitations to lunch or his house, the two of them could very easily just hang out with their friends all together. 

The two boys didn't do that, though. They didn't join their friends because of Virgil. Virgil crossed the line, he was too scared of Patton pulling away from some unrequited crush that he ended up pushing him away himself. 

Of course he was still angry at Patton and Roman, 'They aren't even dating but they're spending every second with each other. Why is Roman messing with Patton when he doesn't even like him?' But he was far more angry with himself, 'Why do I have to be so overbearing? Why can't I let Patton have another friend? Who cares? He made friends with Remus and Janus before this and I didn't care. So why does this hurt so much more?'

Shortly after arriving at school, alone today since Patton decided to 'help Roman with soccer stuff,' Virgil overheard in the hallways that Patton and Roman were dating. For three months. He asked Remus, Janus, and Logan. All three have known for a month and a half. 

'I'm the only one he didn't tell, for a month and a half.' Virgil thought bitterly. He was hurt, why didn't Patton trust him with this? Why did he find out after the rest of the school?

During lunch, he found himself getting beaten up pretty badly. No matter how hard he tried, he could never defend himself.

Someone suddenly pulled the stong bullies off him, providing him with enough relief to quickly run away. He ran into Patton who stared at him worriedly, asking if he was okay. Tears flooded Virgil's eyes, glancing back to see Roman fighting the bullies.

Every one of Virgil's pent up thoughts rose to the surface. He couldn't bury them anymore, there was no more room to calm down. "Why didn't you tell me you and Roman were dating?" He sobbed angrily.

Patton stared back, mouth agape as he searched for something to say. "Clearly, we're not best friends anymore, huh? Well fine, I don't want you to ever talk to me again; just leave me alone." Virgil shouted before running off, roughly wiping the tears and blood from his face.

Virgil lost his best friend. He still had Remus, Janus, and Logan, of course, but Patton was his best best friend. They shared things with each other Virgil could never repeat to another soul, they'd survived years together, every phase, every struggle. But all those memories were gone. Virgil had to live with that.

He had to accept that Patton Baker had Roman Prince now, he didn't need Virgil Black anymore. Virgil was simply a placeholder, he served his purpose, and he wasn't necessary anymore.


okay so this was partially a vent, partially a heartstopper au. heartstopper hit kinda close to home fkjsjdfk anywho, i freaking love heartstopper and i hope i can make more of these in the future :D i'm officially close to the end of this book now, and i think i will end up making another book to continue this. i have so many more ideas and i hope you guys follow me on the next journey!! so, i hope y'all enjoyed this one, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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