Bring Out The Hero In Me | Intrulogical (SpideyPool AU)

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summary: remus, who roams the streets as the vigilante known as deadpool, meets a hero named spiderman. he isn't sure what to make of him at first, especially with his overly kind hearted nature, but he soon finds that he loves the hero and the man may be closer than he thinks

word count: 2082

this one is so freaking cute guys fkdskjsdkl like these past few weeks have been kinda bad but this story gives me life T-T ( i also didn't edit this bc i was working on a paper all day yesterday and i'm really tired today so this is a lil rough jsdhfksjd)

tw/cw// mentions of k*lling, mentions of death, weapons, fighting, mentions of injuries, cursing, it's remus and deadpool, enough said ToT


Remus sighed as his roommate lectured him on how dangerous being a superhero could be. 'I knew I should've hidden the costume farther back into the closet.' He thought bitterly.

"Not only are you fighting real criminals, but you're parading around as Deadpool, an assassin vigilante that many people want to kill. Do you realize how incredibly dangerous that is?" Logan shouted.

Standing up from his chair, Remus placed his hands on Logan's shoulders, "Look, just calm down. I'll keep myself safe, for your sake, but realistically I can't die. I've been shot and stabbed a ton of times, I even jumped off a 12-story roof last week! But it all just heals by itself, no effect on me whatsoever."

Logan huffed in frustration before crossing his arms in defeat. "Fine. Just please be safe?" Remus rolled his eyes but nodded anyway.


As Remus jumped across the tall roofs, he glanced around the city streets. He wasn't sure what he was looking for; if there was a crime happening, he might help, but he'd most likely wait for something more important to catch his attention.

Almost magically, he finally spotted something, someone getting attacked by a man with a gun. He watched for a moment, just to see where this would go. The victim shakily handed their wallet to the man, holding their hands up in fear.

The vigilante nearly jumped away from the roof he stood on when a superhero swung down from a neighboring roof, kicking the gun from the man's hand. The victim ran as the hero blocked the man's punches, shooting webs from their wrists to string him upside down like a spider to prey.

It was then that Remus finally recognized the man, a criminal that worked for the man that killed his brother and his mom many years ago, the very reason he became the assassin Deadpool.

Struggling against the webs, the man glared at the hero, "Who are you?" He demanded angrily.

The hero threw their hands up exasperatedly, "No one seems to grasp the concept of the mask."

Remus tilted his head slightly, the hero's voice...

He decided his attention was in fact caught by this hero. He jumped down from the roof, thankfully landing on a dumpster and a bunch of cardboard boxes to break his fall. This new hero intrigued him and he really didn't want the hero's first impression of him to be his clumsiness and a broken leg.

Standing up and dusting himself off, he turned to see the hero staring at him, seemingly in confusion. 'Is it that hard to read my expression behind the mask too?' He wondered to himself.

"Man, I was kind of hoping I could pick up a hot dog after this and go home." The masked hero whined. "Look dude, I don't know what your deal is and if you're going to attack me but let's just call this quits and be on our merry ways. How about that?"

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