I'll Protect You | Platonic Moceit

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summary: as patton's older brother, janus has always aimed to protect him. after running away 10 years ago, he contacts patton again.

word count: 708

this is more about their past than it is about the present but since the present is mushed in there, i put it in the summary :)

tw// injuries, small blood mention, implied abuse, death (funeral), lots of crying, prison (idk if that's a trigger), scars, i'm pretty sure that's it :))


"Um, Janus?" The senior turned to see his freshman brother, Patton, looking at Janus urgently. He sighed and excused himself from his friends.

"What's wrong, Pat?" Patton teared up, "I really need your help. R-Roman, Chase got him, h-he needs help. Please Jan." Janus rolled his eyes, "Why would I help Roman? He hates me anyways." Patton pleaded once more, grabbing his older brother's hand. Janus looked down at Patton's hand, spotting dirt covered scratches with droplets of dried blood, trailing up his arms. Janus clenched his fists and groaned, "Fine, where is he?"


"Roman, get off, you're smothering me!" Virgil shoved his boyfriend away before getting off the couch. Patton smiled at his friends and cuddled closer to his own boyfriend, Logan. "Hey, Pat, who's Janus?" Logan asked. Patton quickly sat up, "He's my older brother, I haven't heard from him in years. Why? What happened?" Logan handed Patton his phone, open to a text from an unknown number.

unknown number: Hey Pat, it's Janus. I know it's been like 10 years but there's a lot to catch up on and I think we should talk in person. I hope you see this, love you.

Patton quickly left to his bedroom, Virgil and Logan watched in confusion. Roman sighed, "Janus disappeared when Patton was a sophomore in high school. He just ran away, Patton never really got over it. I think he just needs some alone time."


Patton cowered in the corner of his shared room with his brother. Their father was pounding on the door, shouting for them to open up, contradicting their mother's shouts in protest. Janus backed away from the locked door and sat next to his 8 year old brother. "It's okay, Pat, you're safe. He won't get you, I'll keep you safe."

The door unlocked and was slowly opening. Janus frantically shoved Patton into the closet, "Don't come out until I say so, don't make a single noise." Janus whispered before shutting the closet door.


Patton bounced his leg as he impatiently waited for his brother to arrive. "Hey, Pat, long time no see, right?" He gasped at the sight of his older brother. Even though he's aged, now 29, and with a few scars down the left side of his face, he still looked like the same charismatic boy. They both embraced each other in a hug before settling into their seats.

"So, how have you been? Are you happy, because if not I can beat someone up for you." Patton giggled and shook his head, "I'm doing good. I live with my boyfriend, Logan, and I work at the local flower shop." Janus smiled softly. "That's good. Better than my life, that's for sure."

Patton furrowed his eyebrows, "Janus, I love finally being able to see you after all these years, truly, but why now? How come you're barely contacting me?" Janus shifted uncomfortably and sighed. "When I ran away, my plan was to help some of my friends with this...job, then I'd get some money, find a place to stay and come back for you to live with me. But something went wrong, they all sold me out. I got arrested and spent about 9 years in prison; I got out last year. I wanted to make sure I was stable before I talked to you so I got a job, an apartment, a car, I didn't want you to look at me and feel bad. I didn't want you to think I was a screw up."

Patton placed a hand on his brother's, "You could never be a screwup in my eyes. You're my big brother, you've protected me my whole life. If you needed help, I wouldn't think any less of you. You're human, it's okay."


Patton sobbed quietly into his hands. He couldn't believe it, his mother was dead. How could she leave her 10 and 14 year old sons with her monster of a husband? He looked up to see his dad glaring at the casket as they lowered it into the ground. Janus moves from his dad's side to Patton, bringing the boy into a tight hug. "It's okay, Pat. I'll find a way to get you out of this."


honestly i couldn't think of any other direction to take this so hope you enjoyed! love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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