I'm (Not) Fine | Platonic Moceit

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summary: patton is getting abused by his boyfriend but he's scared to tell his friends. they find out and help him in the best way they can

word count: 1028

if you are in this situation it never hurts to just ask someone to lend a hand. the person may have made you think they are powerful but they're not. you are stronger than they are :) (if you notice anything wrong here don't be afraid to tell me so i can fix it :))

tw// mentions of abuse, mentions of sexual assault, verbal abuse, some curse words


Patton Baker was a shoulder to cry on, he was always there when anyone needed it the most, ask any one of his friends and they'll all say he is the most reliable person they know, but who's there for him? Although his friends try to help him with any problems he has, he dismisses them with "I don't have any problems, I'm perfectly fine."

But he wasn't. Patton knew he should let his friends help, he knew he shouldn't handle it all alone, but he already made that choice and now there was no turning back.

"Come on, Patt, just one more time and I promise I'll leave you alone." He made his way to his apartment with his boyfriend in tow. "Jared, every time I've let you, you end up taking advantage of me. I love you but that's not right, it's not healthy, it's ra-" Jared grabbed him by the shoulders, "Would you mind not screaming that word for the whole world to hear? And besides it's not that unless you don't consent, and you said yes every time." Patton sighed, "Yeah and then I changed my mind, but you still went on. That's why this time I'm saying no."

He pushed past his boyfriend and came face to face with his door, getting ready to unlock it. "No, okay? You can't just do that, all I'm asking is one more time and you're still denying me? You are so unbelievable, how is anyone going to love you if you don't show some love back? Face it, Patton, no one ever has or ever will love you! You are a piece of crap that no one cares for!" Jared began raising his voice.

"That's not true." Patton quietly fought with tears in his eyes. "Oh, really?" "Yeah." Jared scoffed, "Alright then, what about your pathetic roommates? If I've been "abusing" you, why haven't they stopped me yet? Why do they never help you? Oh that's right, they don't care about you. And your parents? They couldn't give two shits about you so they dumped you in front of a fire station to die of frostbite. I'm the only person left to love you, Patton. So you are going to do as I say, got it?" Patton nodded.

The door opened to reveal Virgil, who was eyeing Jared suspiciously, "Is everything alright, Patton?" "We're good here, Virgil right? I'll see you tomorrow, Patton." They shared one more hug (which looked too tight to be sincere in Virgil's opinion) then Virgil pulled the dad-like boy inside, slamming the door on Jared.

"Patt, what was that about? All of our neighbors could hear you guys fighting." Patton shrugged and walked to his room, "It's fine, Virgil, leave it alone." Virgil nervously chewed on his lip, he couldn't hear the argument through the door but he knew it was bad once Jared began talking quieter and lower to Patton. He needed to talk to Janus about this, he knew more about the boy than anyone else after knowing him for 24 years.


Patton quietly trudged from his car to his apartment. It'd been a week since Virgil overheard his conversation with Jared and he had become overprotective of the boy. Patton appreciated this, it showed he still cared for him, but he knew if he didn't give Jared what he wanted, he'd get hurt. So he snuck out to see him almost every day.

Today Jared wanted to do...stuff again but Patton saw the time and knew he needed to get going or Virgil would get suspicious. After a long argument, Patton had finally got to the door only for Jared to punch him. He hit him two more times before letting him leave. Since it was 5 pm, Virgil should still be at work since he gets off at 6. Every one else was either at work or, in Remus and Roman's case, at the community theater.

Patton unlocked the door and entered the apartment, surprised to see each of his roommates in the living room waiting for him. "W-What are you guys doing here? You're supposed to be at work." Virgil stood up, "And you were supposed to be at work yesterday and today, but you weren't. Care to explain?"

Patton shook his head, "Look I don't know what you guys think is happening but it's not what you think." Roman sighed, "So you haven't been skipping work for Jared?" Patton was silent, they all felt slightly bad, thinking maybe he was angry with them now. That was until they heard a small sob come from the boy.

After making sure Patton was okay, they sat him down and let him explain. "He's a really sweet guy, I-I promise. It's just that sometimes he gets a little jealous. Today he was just scared that I was cheating on him so he didn't want to let me go. But h-he's not a bad guy. He's not." Janus held his hand, "Patton did he hit you?" He nodded. "Has he hit you before?" Patton hesitated but nodded again. "Is there anything else he does? Like manipulating you, maybe to do what he wants?" Patton stared at their interlocked hands, "He tells me no one loves me, only he does. He says he won't love me unless I help him." Even though he mumbled, Janus still understood.

Janus ordered each of the boys to do one task, Logan got more water for Patton, Remus gathered some snacks for him as Jared had been starving him too, Virgil got more blankets and Roman got an ice pack and the first aid kit. "How long has he been doing this, Patton?" Patton shrugged, "Not that long." Janus could tell he was lying, Patton knew this, "About a month after we started dating."

"Okay, Patton, look at me." He looked up at the boy, he noticed anger, sadness,  and regret swirling in his eyes. "We are going to help you. Whatever it takes, we will make sure you don't have to date him a anymore and that you'll never have to see him again. We will protect you, I will protect you."


this is the shortened version so in all actuality 1021 words isn't that bad. anyways i hope you enjoyed this, moceit is beautiful, and i hope you all stay safe! i love you, buh bye!!


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