Nostalgia | Logicality

127 3 21

summary: patton and logan are close friends. however, with a past of a romantic relationship, they both have a hard time moving on.

word count: 682

this one is kinda cute, i kinda love how it turned out :)) 

tw/cw// sadness, slight heartbreak, crying


Patton idly strummed his guitar, softly laughing at Logan's frustration with his teacher. "I just don't understand how she could be so ignorant that she ruins our education and grades because she "doesn't feel like doing anything." It's so idiotic." Patton's smile faltered as he looked down, nostalgia hitting him heavily.

Patton strummed his guitar, focusing on the notes with his eyes closed. Logan smiled at him, putting his pencil down to give his full attention to the boy.

After a few minutes, Patton opened his eyes and stopped strumming. He grinned once he noticed Logan staring. "What?" Logan shook his head, standing up from the desk and sitting on the bed beside Patton. "I'm just so happy that I have a boyfriend that's as talented and beautiful as you are."

The two boys blushed and leaned in for a soft kiss.

"Logan?" The nerd hummed absentmindedly before turning to Patton, noticing the suddenly serious atmosphere. "Do you ever miss the old days?"

"You mean..." "Yeah." Logan sighed. "Patt, I thought we agreed we moved past that." Patton pretended to be occupied with his guitar, his eyes watering slightly. "I know, but don't you think about it sometimes? How nice it felt, how happy we were, where we might be if we didn't break up?"

Logan looked down at his hands. "We were hurting each other, Patton. It wasn't healthy-" Patton looked up. "Because we didn't know any better, Lo. We didn't know we were hurting each other because we didn't talk about it. But you know how we are now; we're so much better. We could be so much better."

The emotional boy pursed his lips and sighed, strumming his guitar once more and ignoring the tears strolling down his cheeks. "I don't know. I was just thinking about it. Sorry." Logan bit his lip, "When The Day Met The Night."

"What?" Patton asked as he looked up. "You asked me if I ever missed the old days, if I ever thought about them. Every time I see you, I think about that song, how that was our song. You'd play it sometimes when you get bored. I remember we'd listen to it on repeat while spending time together. We'd play it when one of us was sad, when we had nothing more to say. Sometimes, after I spend the day around you, I'll sit in my bed and listen to that song, remembering how we used to be, how I lost the best thing that ever happened to me."

Logan chuckled bitterly, wiping his eyes carefully. "And every time we hang out now, I act like it's okay, like we can move past everything. But then you play that song on your guitar; I don't think you even realize that you do it. When you play it, I think, for one moment, that we're still together. That nothing ever happened, and we don't have to ignore it."

The guitar player placed his instrument down on the bed, not sure what he should do next.

'I could take a risk, or I can ignore this just like every other time. We can go back to the way we were when we were together, or we can still just be friends.'

Patton watched as Logan shook his head and began to stand up, gathering his things and making his way to the door.

'He's leaving. You need to make a choice now, Patton. Do it.'

Logan turned the doorknob.

'Do it!'

He opened the door.

'Do it!'

Patton stood up from the bed and rushed over to Logan. He turned him around, scanning the shocked expression on the other boy's face. "Can I kiss you?" He whispered. Logan nodded quickly as Patton brought him in for a passionate and emotional kiss. 

The two pulled back, Patton's hands on Logan's neck and the back of his head, Logan's hands on Patton's neck and his hip. "Please don't leave me again," Logan whispered with watery eyes. The taller boy shook his head and pulled him into a hug. "I won't. Never again, I promise."


can i just say that, personally, this was genius, idk how i came up with this in like minutes sjdhkdjf it took me the entire day to write, but i'm proud of myself for finishing :D anywho, life's been pretty good, but like there's also stuff idk about, but we'll see how that goes. i hope y'all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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