Haunted Attraction | Prinxiety/Slight Anaroyality

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summary: virgil and roman work at a haunted attraction (like halloween horror nights at universal studios) and they notice a guest isn't going through the fun kind of scared, so they decide to help them

word count: 926

it is so unbelievably hard to describe what roman and remus are supposed to be, basically there are these scare actors (which are actors that scare people at haunted attractions and stuff) that have metal knee pads and metal gloves so they slide on their knees (using their hands to steer) and it makes these sparks it's so cool. also, the 'attraction' in the title is very much intended, i get 20 points for using a rare ship, and this can be platonic if you don't ship the boys together, that's fine :))

tw/cw// mentions of slight gore, blood, and weapons (although it's brief and it's makeup), panic attack, that's it :))


Virgil rolled his eyes as Roman and Remus slid across the asphalt relentlessly. "Would you guys like to save some of your energy for the guests?" Roman and Remus slid up to Virgil, switching from sliding to standing expertly smooth with grins on their faces. "My dearest, Virgilius-" "Not my name." Virgil cut Roman off, not that Roman noticed or cared anyways. "There is no need to worry. Remus and I have been running on 5000% energy since the day we were born."

Virgil huffed. "Well, your highnesses, we have about two hours until you have to be out there and you both have yet to get into your costumes and makeup so I'd suggest using that energy for something productive." Roman and Remus's eyes widened as they realized the time before sprinting over to the costume, hair, and makeup tent. Roman halted and walked backwards to Virgil. "So I was thinking about our dinner date tonight and there's this diner-" "Two hours, Roman." "Right, okay." Roman rushed over to the tent while Virgil softly laughed to himself.

Working at a haunted attraction, which was basically just a haunted house with more outside space and vendors, wasn't Virgil's ideal job. Especially not since he was a security guard of sorts that had to watch over the scare actors and, occasionally, go through the haunted house to make sure no one was hurt. But since he got to see the attraction before it got dark and the actors before makeup, it made the park overall less anxiety inducing. He couldn't say the same for the guests though.

Virgil checked the time, 10:43 p.m., about 20 minutes before closing. He watched as Remus and a few of the other scare actors rushed some guests farther into the line to get them in and out before closing. He chuckled at the screams that came from the guests, specifically the woman that was threatening Remus if he came any closer.

Virgil looked around the rest of the area and noticed someone curled into a ball in a dark corner. He furrowed his eyebrows and slowly walked over to the person, freezing once he heard strained sobs. He got a bit closer and knelt down by the person. "Hey, are you alright?" The person shook their head, still hyperventilating. Virgil figured they must be having a panic attack, he spoke carefully. "Do you want me to help you to somewhere with more light? Where it's less crowded?" The person nodded and latched their arms onto his shoulders.

He almost flinched in surprise but he pulled them into his arms and carried them nonetheless. He had thought they wouldn't want to be touched at a time like this but he figured this was their way of grounding themselves. He called Roman over, since he had just been walking around and not doing much. "Uh, who is this?" Roman looked at the small person in Virgil's arms, still mildly freaking out but having calmed down a little since Virgil first saw them. "I need to bring them to the break room. I can't reach my keys like this, you need to help me."

Roman nodded and followed Virgil to the break room, which was a small portable behind the haunted house. Roman grabbed the keys off of Virgil's belt and opened the door, Virgil stepped in and gently let go of the person to sit them down on one of the chairs. Virgil watched as they were calming down, still taking shallow breaths, but calmer than before. "Are you okay? You seemed to be freaking out pretty badly out there." Roman asked. Virgil slapped his shoulder then turned back to the person, ignoring Roman's cry of pain.

"I-I'm fine. I just really hate s-spiders and clowns." The person still hadn't looked up at the two, Virgil's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed a makeup wipe, throwing it at Roman. Roman got the message and wiped the bloody clown makeup off of his face as fast he could, pulling out the gory knife prop that was made to look like it was injected into his side. The person finally looked up at the two and sighed, looking back down again. "Sorry, I'm Patton. I know you're probably wondering why I'm at a clown-themed haunted attraction if I'm scared of this stuff. I'm just so tired of always being a scaredy cat, of everyone always avoiding me and not inviting places around Halloween because they don't think I can handle it. They're always right of course but still."

Virgil frowned and shared a look with Roman, the two silently agreeing on a course of action. "Well, unless you still want to go back out there, Roman and I were planning on getting some dinner after work, maybe that diner down the street. Would you want to join us?" Patton sniffles and looked up at the two with wide eyes. "Really? You'd want to hang out with me of all people? I'm not that fun of a person, I don't like all of this horror stuff and since it's your whole life I probably wouldn't be very interesting to talk to." Roman shrugged with a smile. "That's fine. We deal with horror stuff all the time, we need a break every now and then."

"But again, it's only if you want. We just thought we'd invite you." Virgil reassured the man in front of them. Patton thought for a moment before smiling softly. "Okay, if you're sure it's alright with you, I'd love to join you."


i kind of wanted to include something where they get together but i'm fairly sure i'm not poly (bc ya know i'm still questioning :)) so i didn't want to write it up incorrectly or anything :)) hope y'all enjoyed, ik it isn't halloween anymore but still, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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