Wayside Vs. Riverside | Logicality/Prinxiety/Demus

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summary: just a friday night football game between two enemy schools, definitely not a breeding ground for teenage love

word count: 1442

okay a majority of this is based on my experiences at football games (not the love part tho, like i'd ever find love pfft-) so sorry if it's a bit confusing, especially the marching band part :) basically roman is a football player, patton is a cheerleader, and remus is just chilling :) in the other school, virgil is in JROTC (color guard), logan is in marching band, and janus is, again, chilling :)

tw// a little bit of cussing, mentions of really gross stuff in the food, that's it :))


Roman smiled as his best friend, Patton, ranted about tonight's football game, talking over the other excited teenagers on the bus. "And it's gonna be epic because we're both the best schools in the district! I'm confident that you'll win it for us though because you're the best player in the city."

Roman chuckled and shrugged. "What can I say? I'm great at what I do." The bus pulled to a stop and the coaches explained the rules for everyone before letting them all off the bus. Patton grabbed his bag, pulling Roman into a tight hug. "You're gonna do great! I'll be cheering you on the entire time." Roman smiled and waved to Patton as he skipped out of sight, going to the field with the other cheerleaders to practice.


Logan rolled his eyes as he finally spotted Virgil, running from the entrance as fast as he could. "I'm sorry, Lo. The traffic was bad and I couldn't find parking-" Virgil said between breaths, Logan just shoved Virgil's JROTC uniform into his hands. "This is why I told you to stay after school with me but you 'needed rest'. You're lucky the band directors trust me enough to be waiting here while everyone else is warming up, otherwise you'd be screwed."

Virgil rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah." He took hold of his uniform and said a quick 'goodbye' before rushing to the bathroom and getting changed.


Remus didn't really want to be here but his parents insisted on it and his friends always hung out here so he came. He was never a huge sports fan, the only things he really enjoyed at these games were the marching bands and the sunsets he got to witness in real time.

"I'm hungry, you guys want anything?" His friends all shook their heads, leaving Remus to go to concessions by himself, great. He made his way down the bleachers and to the concession stand, the smell of hot dogs and nachos filled his senses.

He scanned the menu, or the piece of cardboard made by the elementary school that sponsored the concessions, and tried to decide on what to get. It was fall, naturally cold and windy, so he would not be getting the snow cone. Maybe an horchata?

"You'd be better off getting a bag of chips or some candy." Remus jumped at the voice, turning to see a boy suddenly standing next to him. He seemed to be the same age as Remus, he wore a beanie and a leather jacket, and half of his hair was dyed blonde while the other was black. He didn't face Remus though, instead staring straight ahead at concessions.

"Why is that?" Remus finally replied. "I can tell this is your first time coming to a game here." Remus scoffed, "What makes you think that?" "You and your friends are wearing Riverside clothes, you're on Wayside's bleachers." Remus's eyes widened, he just assumed his friends knew where to sit since they "always" hung out here. Clearly "always" meant "never" to them.

"The elementary school across the street does concessions themselves, it's terrible. At least if you buy something they haven't touched, you'll be safer from the possibility of boogers and saliva being mixed into your food." Even for Remus, that was admittedly gross.

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