Birthday Break | Background Platonic LAMP

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summary: patton tends to be extremely selfless but he decides he deserves to take time for himself on his birthday

word count: 157

okayokayokay so greatest bday ever AND patton's new skirt pics are so pretty i'm :,)

tw/cw// patton's a lil hard on himself at first but he gets better :))


Patton sighed as he examined his reflection. He never felt like he was doing enough for everyone, he needed to do more. 'I have to do more.' He thought as he straightened out his cardigan.

Nodding his head in approval, Patton makes his way to the kitchen.

As he enters the living room, there's a note left on the coffee table. 'Good morning, Patton! As I'm sure you know by now, it's your birthday!! We've all agreed that you do so much for us and we'd like to return the favor :D We have plenty more planned for you throughout the day but, for now, enjoy the delectable breakfast we've prepared for you; happy birthday, padre! Love Roman, Logan, and Virgil'

Patton walked over to a plate of strawberry and banana pancakes, a maple syrup bottle neatly placed beside it. As he smiled and grabbed a fork, he decided he deserved a break, especially for his birthday.


this is super short and late but i decided not to have angst for once so enjoy :) also, last week started off terribly but it ended so good this has bar far been the best birthday ever :,) anywho, hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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