Loser | Prinxiety (BMC AU)

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summary: virgil is a loser hopelessly in love the drama nerd, roman prince. he decides to take his chance on a "computer pill" that will make him cooler, cool enough for roman.

word count: 688

yep, it's a be more chill au, you're welcome

tw// a smidge of bullying (it's about as small as logan's patience), mentions of drugs :))


Virgil smiled as his best friend, Patton, danced to the end of some song he was listening to. The song finished and Patton pulled his headphones down to give his full attention to Virgil. "How was class, kiddo? You look a little off, what's wrong?" "I sent Roman a message telling him how I felt." Patton beamed. "That's amazing, what did he say?" "I deleted it before he saw it." Patton sighed and placed a hand on Virgil's shoulder. "Well, at least you still have me. We could-" "S-Sign up for the play!" Virgil interrupted.

Patton stuttered, "W- Uh, well, I was gonna say playing video games in my basement but-" Virgil sighed and turned Patton to face the other end of the hallway. "No, I mean, look who's signing up for the play!" Roman excitedly, and dramatically, signing his name on the audition sheet. "Roman Prince." Virgil sighed out, Patton grinned and turned to his best friend, "Well, what are you waiting for?" Patton shoved Virgil in the direction of the sign up sheet.

Virgil stumbled a bit before steadying himself to walk the rest of the way. He gulped nervously, shaking as he grabbed the pen. Virgil signed his name right below Roman's, a small smile began to form. "Gay!" Someone shouted, everyone began laughing.


Virgil placed his hands on either side of the sink in the school's bathroom, "Why am I such a loser?" "I used to ask myself the same thing." Virgil's head snapped up to see Remus Prince slowly making his way to Virgil's side. "What's up, V-Card? Where's your boyfriend?" Virgil rolled his eyes and began to leave before Remus stopped him. "Wait, you don't remember me freshman year, do you?" Virgil scoffed, "You didn't go here-" "Y-Yes I did, you just didn't notice! No one did. I was a loser, just like you. I didn't have a girlfriend, I was suicidal, I was practically hopeless. But I got a SQUIP."

Virgil blinked. "A-A SQUIP? What's that?" Remus grinned. "It's a pill, inside is a computer that implants in your brain and tells you how to be cool." 'Great, drugs.' Virgil thought sarcastically. "Look, Remus, do what you want, I don't do drugs-" "No, you don't understand. It's better than drugs. It's a supercomputer, picture this. You go from a nobody to someone worth while, someone cool. Nobody cares what you do, teachers don't care if you're late because even they love you. You will be important, popular. Just think it over, the cost is $600. I know a guy at Payless, I can get you one if you bring me the money by Friday."

Remus gave Virgil a small shove and left the restroom, "Smell you later, nerd!"


Virgil knew Patton wasn't onboard with this plan from the moment he told him. Virgil knew Remus might've been scamming him but if he could find this Payless guy, he could get it himself. Patton didn't like the fact that this could potentially be drugs or a really expensive tic tac. However, he knew how important this was to his best friend. Virgil wanted to be popular and date Roman, Patton couldn't force himself to get in the way of that.

"Hey, when you're cool and popular, don't forget about me, 'kay?" Virgil nervously nodded. "I have an appointment with this guy at Spencer's Gifts right now, vintage clear Pepsi. It's like regular Pepsi, but clear." Virgil lightly chuckled at Patton's antics. Patton stood up and gave him a small pat on the back.

Virgil nervously looked at Patton who gave him a thumbs up before walking away. Virgil noticed Roman in the distance, laughing with Remy Hart. Virgil knew this could be dangerous, again it could be a scam, but if there was even a slight possibility that Roman would like him, that he could fall in love with him, it was worth it, right? If he could be more than the weirdo, the one in the background, if he could finally be a main character, maybe he should try. He nodded and swallowed the pill, drinking his Mountain Dew.


i kind wanna do another part with the squip bc logan would totally be the squip. also sorry for jumping around a lot, it probably won't make sense if you don't know much about bmc, so sorry again :)) also plz check out my sanders sides detective au on my profile! i just posted the last part today, there's only 15 parts, it's super short, plz check it out!! hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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