Holiday Feels

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summary: even though virgil is accepted by his new friends, he's still left out

word count: 666 (0-0)

yes this is/was a vent but i still needed a happy ending :)

tw// excluding virgil, crying, rejection (maybe??), sadness :))


Virgil was nervous and excited. He had gotten gifts for all his friends and spent all night wrapping them. This was his first Christmas where he would be accepted by everyone. Where he could finally belong and feel loved. He tried not to seem too excited as he wanted to keep a tiny bit of his reputation.

He began making his way downstairs with his gifts, but stopped in his tracks. He heard all of them laughing and talking happily, together. He peaked through the steps to see they already exchanged gifts without him, there wasn't a trace of an unopened present that could possibly be for him.

He ran back to his room silently, not one of the others noticed he was there. Tears formed in his eyes as he dropped his presents somewhere in a blur. Where to? He would figure that out later. Right now he just wanted to hide under his covers and cry until December 26th came around. Once he made it back to his room, he cried and cried for what seemed like forever as he replayed the scene in his head. Negative thoughts surrounding him like a storm.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and gasped. He quickly wiped his tears and sniffled, "G-Go away." The person just sat on his bed and rubbed comforting circles on his back. There was someone else too. They walked around the opposite side of the bed and put down a glass of water. Who were these people? He opened his eyes and sat up to see Joan and Talyn. They were both smiling sympathetically at him. "W-What are you guys doing here?"

"We came over to see all of you guys but when we got here..." Joan looked to Talyn to continue, "We saw you weren't with them downstairs. And neither of them bothered to mention you so we pretty much figured out what might've happened." Talyn finished. Virgil sniffled, "Well, th-thank you but I-I'm fine-" Joan cut him off, "No you're not. It's not that hard to see." They held Virgil's hand and smiled at Talyn. They suddenly got an idea.

"Virgil, do you remember when you first met me?" He nodded, "Y-Yeah, you were crying alone at some random party and I somehow cheered you up. You became my best friend because of that night." Joan nodded, "Right. And do you remember why I was crying?" Virgil shook his head. "I was crying because I was a similar position as you are right now." He furrowed his eyebrow and stared at Joan, signaling them to continue.

"I had a few people that were my friends for about five years at the time. I sometimes noticed that they alienated me or were just closer without me but I still loved them. So for Christmas, I spent days making them these perfect gifts. They liked them but they pretty much threw them away afterwards. After that, they traded gifts with each other right in front of me and I got nothing. I understood, they told each other everything and didn't trust me much, but I was still hurt. Thinking about how my "friends" treated me and how you treated me that night makes me realize something." Virgil looked between Joan and Talyn questionably.

"You are one of the greatest things that has happened to me. I want you to know that I love you, we love you. No matter how alienated they make you feel, I want you to remember how much Talyn and I care about you." Virgil had begun tearing up as Joan and Talyn hugged him. Once his sobs had subsided, he looked around the room, "Dammit, I lost the presents. I had gifts for you guys but I guess I'll have to find them later. Sorry." He apologized.

"Virgil, it's okay. Just you being here with us is the best present I could ask for." Talyn responded, sending Virgil into another five minutes of sobbing happily.


so this started out as a vent but now i just felt it was kinda sweet. it's pretty bad but who cares. i know xmas is over but i felt like updating something bc i've been staying off social media for the break, for my mental health, and i just wanted to convince myself that i'm still alive through my online stuff. hope you enjoyed this!


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