Act of Rebellion | Intrulogical

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summary: logan has very bigoted parents, good thing they don't know about him and the town troublemaker

word count: 541

idk, this was supposed to be a immortal enemies to lovers intrulogical but i'm on a time crunch, i have less than four hours less to do this essay since i spent all day on this, even though it's super short, so plzz enjoy!! :)

tw/cw// toxic parents, some light cursing, and yes, ik logan is a little out of character but it's fanfiction for a reason man, it's not canon fhfhdksl


Logan approached the dining table and sat next to his father, who was reading the newspaper and taking the occasional sip of his bitter, black coffee. His mother was in the kitchen preparing eggs and toast for her husband and son, already plating them once Logan had entered the dining room. The perfect American family, two upper-middle class citizens, each with an outstanding record of being apart of their community, and their perfect son, obedient, intelligent, well-rounded, and his perfectly planned out journey for the rest of his life. It was all so perfect.

Logan was grateful for the life he was born into, he was well aware that he had a better life than most people in the world (his parents made sure to remind him of that every time he was upset about anything as a child), but something was always off. To the rest of the world, they were the Sanders, a well-connected family, a happy family. But behind the golden door, there was no communication between the three, no love, no happiness, just tension and silence.

Logan gave an appreciative nod to his mother as she placed the plate of breakfast in front of him, only receiving a tight-lipped smile in return. "How's school so far? Are you still doing good in your classes? Remember, if you're slipping, you aren't going to get a scholarship and your father and I won't help you. You have to help yourself now before it's too late." 'I shouldn't be getting a scholarship anyway, those are for the less fortunate.' Logan thought, simply murmuring, "Yes, Mother."

"Fuck you, bigoted pieces of shit!" All three family members at the dining room table looked up at the muffled shout. Logan followed his parents to the front door, stepping onto the porch with them. They watched as Remus Prince threw his last roll of toilet paper onto the roof of the Sanders household. Logan's dad began shouting profanities at the boy, chasing him off of the lawn. All the while, Logan watched Remus grin his head off and mock his father.

Once Logan got to school, after receiving a long speech from his parents about the "dangers of the gays", he immediately searched for Remus. "Lolo!" Logan turned around and let a small smile break through his usually cold facade. He grabbed Remus's hand and led him to the back of the school.

As soon as he was sure no one else was around, he grabbed Remus's face and pulled him into a slow kiss. They both pulled back with wide smiles gracing their faces. "So, I take it you liked my act of rebellion this morning?" Logan let out a small giggle. "Of course, my parents were ranting about it for 49 minutes before they realized I had to go to school."

Remus kissed the top of Logan's head. "Good, I would do anything for you, love. If that means calling out your shitty parents, I will do it in a heartbeat." Logan playfully hummed. "Is it for me, though? You've been messing with my parents since before we started dating."

"Only because I wanted your attention, dearest." Remus winked. Logan giggled again, "Come here, dork." He pulled Remus into another loving kiss.


sorry i didn't upload on tuesday, if you don't live in america, just know that it has been heck this past week and i wasn't able to get out of my sad funk for a while. like i wasn't able to get happy about anything and i was very irritated and everything made me cry, it wasn't fun :(( but, for some reason, today was better and so i tried to quickly draft this up :)) hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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