Hershey's Kiss | Past Logicality

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summary: life hasn't been the same since patton passed away. logan finds that patton might not have left after all

word count: 280

happy anniversary to you-know-what, memento mori :)) also, i'm so psyched for scream 5, i'm gonna watch it with my friends for my bday and it's hopefully gonna be great sjdhfkdjks

tw/cw// sad/empty logan, mention of death, some tears, that's it :)


Logan closed his front door, hanging up his coat. He walked into the kitchen, briefly glancing at the abandoned cookie jar, untouched for the past three years. He moved to the coffee pot, setting it up to brew his cup. The man passed by the dust-covered picture frames, images of Logan with Patton, before he... Logan shook his head and pulled out his coffee mug, approaching the coffee pot.

He hesitantly glanced at the cookie jar again; even though Patton liked cookies, he loved Hershey's kisses more. He'd fill the cookie jar full of the small chocolates every month, taking a few out every other day. If Logan was lucky, he'd share one with him before pecking him on the cheek. He'd hand him the chocolate, saying: "Here's a kiss that's almost as sweet as mine!"

The coffee pot was finally done. Logan poured the liquid into his mug, ignoring the design on the cup that read, "Pat + Lo 4ever!" He sighed and turned back to face the rest of the kitchen. Everything felt dull since Patton passed, the house seemed empty. He took a sip of the black coffee before looking back at the cookie jar. He choked on his drink, spitting it back out as he stared at the jar in shock.

The cookie jar was open, a handprint on the lid. A single Hershey's kiss rested on the counter. Logan felt the ghost of a kiss on his cheek, causing him to drop his mug. He touched his cheek, tears springing to his eyes. A note fell the the floor, the message written in Patton's handwriting. 'Enjoy the kiss that's almost as sweet as mine! ;)'


idk, just an idea lol :)) also, i'm so excited for the sanders sides season finale, it's gonna be great sdfkhskjf anywho, hope you all enjoyed! love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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