Welcome To The Band | Prinxiety

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summary: virgil needs another guitarist for his band and since roman knows how to play, he asks him to consider it. roman goes to one of the band's performances to see if they're worth it and he gets his answer all too easily.

word count: 355

hi i really want to see virgil performing fall out boy and other emo trinity songs, even paramore :))

tw// nothing :))


Roman sighed as Patton excitedly talked about the band yet to appear on stage. "Aren't you excited, Roman? If they impress you, you get to be their guitarist!" "I don't 'get to be' anything. If they sound cool, I'll consider playing with them but it'd be more of a privilege for them than for me." Logan adjusted his glasses, "Either way, no one will be playing for anyone unless you agree to it and a proper contract is signed by both parties, preferably one that benefits both the band and you."

The band members finally made their way on stage, starting the first song without a word. The audience roared but Roman was all to focused on his best friend, Virgil. The lights on stage finally shone, showing the intricate patterns on his makeup. "I'm in the business of misery, let's take it from the top. She's got a body like an hourglass, it's ticking like a clock." Virgil's movements were smooth and loose, he seemed so alive. The looks he was sending his lead guitarist, occasionally even Roman, were enough to convince the princely boy that one, he was now in love with Virgil, and two, he needed to join this band. It would be a crime to let Virgil's eccentricities on stage be wasted on this guitarist whose name Roman couldn't remember at the moment. All that mattered was Virgil and joining this band.


"Wait, you actually want in?" Virgil asked with disbelief. Roman nodded with a grin plastered on his face. "Aw, this is gonna be so cool! My brother and my best friend in the same band, I can't wait!" Patton exclaimed happily.

Virgil's bandmate passed by the other people in the green room and stood next to the emo, "Hey Roman, right? I'm Alex, the drummer. What did you think?" Roman smiled, "Well you guys are fantastic! If you'd have me, I'd be glad to join." Alex turned to Virgil. "Well? We do need that fourth person for your new song, Virge. What do you say?" Virgil looked between Alex and Roman and nodded, "Welcome to the band, Princey."


spare me yes yes i know there are like five other books and like five hundred one shots with this exact story and ik this sucks but idk i've been wanting to make something where they're in a band for a while :)) hope you enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!


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